咱们学习汉语历来都不短少练习的环境。从出世到长大,身边的一切人都在说汉语。可是学习英语就纷歧样了,在一个非语境下来学习,需要用心揣摩一下。比方仿照,仿照发音,造句。就像咱们的孩子相同,在牙牙学语的期间也是经过不断仿照大人的神态和发音。英语更需要仿照,我自个比照喜爱brian 教师的发音,举荐给我们,也期望你们喜爱。
Today, we are going to learn some easy words .
For example:
No: we use this word to tell someone not to do something.
For example:
Not : we use not to say that an action isn't happening .(action:行为)
For example:
Now: we use now to say that we are doing something at this time .
For example:
Number: when we count things we find out the number of them.
For example:
Of: we use of to say that something belongs to a group.
For example:
Review time:
Now,words are missing .Can we think of the missing words ?
For example:
word can we use ?
The sight word story:
I am playing the piano now.I am a member of my school band.The number of band members is 22.My friend, Tom is not a band member."Can you play music?"I asked him.He said,"No."
Ok, thank you for studying with me.