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2023-04-12 16:21:41 | 人围观 | 评论:

Common Football Expressions and Idioms in English 英语中常见的足球用语和成语

Let’s learn common football expressions and idioms … 让咱们学习常见的足球表达和习语......

Common football expressions 常见的足球表达

win/ lose a match 赢/输竞赛


their first match 0-1. 西班牙0-1输掉了他们的首场竞赛。

draw a match 画一场竞赛

Uruguay and Argentina drew0-0. 乌拉圭和阿根廷的比分是0-0。

play against (sb) 敌对(或人)

Who were Nigeria playing against last week? 谁是尼日利亚上星期对阵的竞赛?

beat (sb) 打败(或人)

Brazil beatItaly in the final. 巴西队在决赛中打败意大利队。

lose against (sb) 对立(或人)

Bolivia lost2-1 against Argentina. 玻利维亚队以2-1打败阿根廷队。

draw with (sb) 与(或人)

Liverpool drew withJuventus. 利物浦和尤文图斯打成平局。

shoot 射击

Messi shootstoo often. He needs to pass more. 梅西常常射门。 他需要传递更多。

score a goal 球进了

Van Persie scored a wonderful goalagainst Spain. 范佩西在对阵西班牙队的竞赛中打进一球。

make a save 做了一些

Casillas made a few good saves. 卡西利亚斯做了一些极好的抵偿。

concede a goal 招认一个方针


conceded4 goals against Germany. 葡萄牙队对阵德国队失利4球。

tackle (sb) 处置(或人)

I didn’t know if he had the ball or not, so I just tackledhim. 我不晓得他是不是拿到球,所以我就把他接住了。

foul (sb) 犯规(或人)

The English players were trying to foulPirlo. 英格兰球员企图对皮尔洛犯规。

get a yellow card 拿一张黄牌

It was a bad tackle but he only got a yellow card. 这是一次糟糕的铲球,但他只得到一张黄牌。

be sent off 被罚下来

Pepe was sent off by the referee. 佩佩被裁判罚下。

be substituted 被替换

Torres played so badly that he was substituted. 托雷斯打得非常糟糕,致使于他被替换下场。

back of the net 回到网上

You should’ve seen it, it was such a great goal. Back of the net! 你大约看到它,这是一个巨大的方针。 回到网上!

Man on! 男人!

Quick! Man on! Pass the ball to Jones! 快! 男人! 传球给琼斯!

We were robbed 咱们被掠取了

It is very difficult to swallow, we feel like we’vebeen robbed. 这对错常难以吞咽的,咱们觉得咱们如同被掠取了。

He’s got a sweet left foot. 他有一只凶狠的左脚。

He’s the best player on the team, and he’s got a sweet left foot. 他是队里最佳的球员,他的左脚极好。

He pulled off a great save, what a save! 他结束了一次巨大的抵偿,多么巨大的抵偿!

The goalkeeper pulledoffsix terrific saves. 守门员结束了6次精彩的抵偿。

hit the woodwork 击中门框的

He almost had it, but unfortunately it hit the woodwork. 他差点就拿到了,但意外的是它击中了门框。

They got stuck in 他们堕入了窘境ran the defence ragged 防卫呈现疑问He’s got a lot of pace 他的速度很快The goalkeeper made a howler 守门员大喊大叫It’s a game of

two halves 这是一场两半场的竞赛

Idioms Related Football 成语有关足球

get the ball rolling 初步行为get a kick out of something 从某事中获得快乐喜爱kick something off, to kick-start something 初步某事keep one’s eye on the ball 留心球watch from the sidelines 傍观者清move the goalposts 改动方针be on the ball 机伶a political football 一个政治足球at this (late) stage in the game 在游戏的这个(后期)期间kick sb around 把或人赏识score an own goal 乌龙球take sides 偏袒任何一方blow the whistle on sb 揭露或人know the score 晓得分数
