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2023-04-18 06:19:24 | 人围观 | 评论:

%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20%20%20
  1. unveil%20[??n?ve?l]%20(初度)展示;介绍;推出;将…公之于众
  2. taser%20电击枪(发射电脉冲,使人暂时不能动弹)
  3. drone%20无人机


  1. plan%20to%20do%20方案…
  2. stun%20gun%20昏厥枪
  3. -armed%20预备有…武器的
  4. claim%20声称
  5. school%20shooting%20学校枪击


Arizona-based company, Axon, says that the high-tech solution is necessary amid a "fruitless" debate on gun policy in the US.

  1. -based 以…为基地的
  2. amid 处于…之中

The announcement, however, earned a stern rebuke from the company's own ethics board.

  1. stern [st??n]严肃的;严肃的;严苛的
  2. rebuke [r??bju?k] 责怪;非难,责备;呵斥,怒斥
  3. ethics board 道德委员会

Nearly 30 school shootings have taken place in the US this year.

  1. take place 发生

Axon - formerly known as Taser International - said that it has formally begun developing a miniature, lightweight Taser that can be deployed on a drone or robot, as well as "targeting algorithms" to assist operators to aim the device safely.

  1. formerly 早年;早年
  2. formally 正式地
  3. miniature [?m?n?t??(r)] 很小的;微型的;小型的
  4. lightweight (原料)轻量的,薄型的
  5. deploy 安设
  6. algorithm [??lɡ?r?e?m]


According to Axon, all use-of-force decisions will be made by

an authenticated and authorised human operator "who has agreed to take on legal and moral responsibility for any action that takes place".

  1. make decision 做抉择
  2. authenticate 认证;验证
  3. authorize 授权
  4. take on responsibility 承担责任

The announcement Thursday came amid a renewed debate over gun control following the 24 May shooting of 21 people at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

  1. renewed 再次发生的;再次鼓起的;更新的
  2. gun control 枪支管控
  3. elementary school 大学
