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2023-05-07 16:20:06 | 人围观 | 评论:







As far as we know, beauty is usually divided into two aspects, that is, external beauty and inner beauty. The former normally indicates appearance, from clothes, making-up and physical feature to bags and decorations. Therefore, there come diversified methods for women and men to pursuit external beauty, which in their mind posts great influences on their lives. By contrast, the latter implies good virtues of a person, such as, kindness, confidence, character, honesty and so on. From my perspective, inner beauty plays a more important role in our daily lives. A good virtue will foster strong effects on people around, make us a popular person and easily tackle problems. Take confidence for example, the spirit of confidence can generate great power to cope with difficulties and harshness, assume frustration and pressure, and therefore make it easy for people to achieve successes.

Inner beauty is eternal and will become increasingly positive and stable in people mind, which is indispensability in the whole life. Hence, it is necessary for everyone to cultivate inner beauty so as to live a promising and colourful life.

