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2023-06-23 21:15:59 | 人围观 | 评论:









topic 1:问路与交通


动词+副词短语:turn left / right 左转/右转;walk / go along / straight 直走;

go / walk through 穿过

交通方法:on foot 步行;by train / bike / bus 乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共轿车;

take a bus 乘公共轿车;take a train 乘火车;on the bus 乘公共轿车;on

one's bike 骑自行车



1. excuse me. is there a bank near here? 打扰一下,这邻近有银行吗?

2. which is the way to the supermarket? 请问哪一条路是去超市的?

3. do you know the way to bridge street? 你晓得去布里奇大街的路吗?

4. would you please tell me the way to the bank? 请问你能告诉我去银行怎么


5. could you tell me how i can get to the hotel? 你能告诉我如何去旅馆吗?


1. yes, there is. it's on center street. 是的,有。在中心街。

2. it's in front of the library. 它在图书馆前面。

3. go down this street. 沿着这条街走。

4. turn left at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口左转。

5. it's on bridge street on the right. 在布里奇大街的右边。

topic 2 谢谢与应对



1. thanks for asking me out. 谢谢你聘请我。

2. thank you! 谢谢!

3. thanks! 谢谢!

4. thanks a lot! 多谢!

5. thank you very much! 非常谢谢!

6. many thanks! 多谢!

7. it's very kind of you. 你真是太好了。

8. how kind of you! 你真好!

9. thank you anyway. 仍然谢谢你。

10. thank you all the same. 仍然谢谢你。


1. don't mention it. 不谦让。

2. that's all right. 不谦让。

3. it was nothing. 不谦让。

4. that's ok. 不谦让。

5. think nothing of it. 不谦让。

6. you're welcome. 不谦让。

7. not at all. 不谦让。

8. it's a pleasure. 别谦让。

9. my pleasure. 别谦让。

topic 3 恳求与主张


1. —would you mind not smoking here? 你介意不在这抽烟吗?

—sorry, i won't. 对不住,我不会了。

2. —would you like something to drink? 来点喝的好吗?

—yes, please. 好的。

3. —don't smoke here. 请不要在这儿抽烟。

—sorry, i won't. 对不住,我不会了。

4. —why not go to movies with us? 你为啥不好咱们一块儿看影片去呢?

—sounds great. 听起来不错

5. —could you please take out the trash? 你去倒一下废物好吗?

—sorry, mum. i'm doing my homework. 对不住,母亲。我正在做作业。

topic 4 问好与离别


1. —how are you? 你好吗?

—fine, thank you. and you? 好,谢谢。你呢?

—i'm fine, too. 我也极好。

2. —how do you get on with your classmates? 你和你同学共处得怎样?

—very well. 极好。

3. —see you. 再会。

—see you. 再会。

topic 5 祝福与恭喜



—i have passed the examination! 我现已经过考试了

—congratulations (to you)!恭喜你!


1. good luck with you trip! 祝您旅途平安!

2. have a good trip/journey. =i wish you a good trip / journey. 祝你旅途开心。/ 祝你一路顺风。

3. good trip to you. / nice journey to you. 祝你旅途开心。


—happy birthday to you! 生日高兴!

—thank you! 谢谢!


—i will take the exams tomorrow. 我明日将参加考试。

—good luck (to you)! (i wish you success!) 祝您顺畅!(祝您成功!)


—happy new year (to you)!(祝你)新年高兴!

—thanks. the same to you! (happy new year to you, too!) 谢谢!您也相同!(也祝您新年高兴!)

topic 6 打电话


1. 打电话人毛遂自荐:用英语打电话时,最初打招待的第一句话一般是 hello, 然后便自报名字,再奉告想与谁通话。例如:hello! this is mike (speaking).

2. 打电话人要或人接电话,需要证明对方的身份时,不能说 are you...? 或 who

are you? 而大约说:may / can / could i speak to kate, please? / is that kate? / is kate in / at home? / who's that?

3. 自己接电话时可以说:this is kate (speaking). / yes, speaking.



give sb a ring; give sb a call; phone sb; ring sb up; call sb 给打电话

hold on / wait a minute / one moment, please. 请等一等。take a message 捎口信



1. can / could / would you ring up / call / call up...? 你能给……打个电话吗?

2. will / would you give a message to..., please? 请你给……捎个口信可以吗?


1. can i take a message (for you)? 要我帮你捎口信吗?

2. i'll ask ... to call you back. 我会让……给你回个电话的。

3. this is vivian speaking. 我是 vivian。

topic 7 就餐与饮食


help yourself to ... 你吃 / 喝点 something to eat 一些吃的东西 something to drink 一些喝的



1. would you like something (to eat / to drink)? 你想要(吃/喝)点啥吗?

2. what would you like (to have)? 你想要吃点啥?

3. would you like some more...? 你还要害吗?

4. are you ready to order, sir? / can / may i take your order now? 如今可以请你点餐了吗?


1. help yourself to... 你吃/喝点吧。

2. make yourself at home. 请随意吃,不要谦让。

3. well , just a little, please. 好的,请来一点儿。

4. no, thanks. 谢谢,不要了。

5. i'm full, thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了。

topic 8 安康与就医



时,如“i think i have a bad cold.”一般答复:“i'm sorry to hear that.”或

“you'd better see a doctor.”。但假定是说给医生,医生则不能用上述答话,

而需用“take it easy.”来答复。


have (got) a headache 头疼 have a cough 咳嗽

take one's temperature 量体温 have a fever 发烧

have a cold 伤风 nothing serious 没有啥严峻的



1. what's wrong / the matter / the trouble with you? 你有啥不舒畅吗?

2. is there anything wrong with you? 你哪里不舒畅?

3. you'd better have a good rest. 你最佳好好歇息一下。

4. take this medicine three times a day. 这药每天吃三次。

5. drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好歇息。


1. i fell terrible / bad / ill / sick. 我感到很不舒畅。

2. i don't feel well. / i'm not feeling well .我感到不舒畅。

3. i've got a cough (headache, toothache). 我咳嗽/头疼/牙疼。

4. i don't fell well. 我感触不舒畅。

5. there's something wrong with... 我的……不舒畅。

topic 9 购物


size (large, medium, small) 类型(大,中,小),color (yellow, black, blue,

pink) 颜色(黄色,黑色,蓝色,粉红),sell, buy, on sale(减价),price,

cheap, expensive, money 等。



1. can / may i help you? = what can i do for you? 您要买点啥?(能为您做点啥吗?)

2. how many / much would you like? 您要多少……?

3. what color / size / kind would you like? 您要啥颜色/标准/品种的?

4. what / how about this one? 这个怎么样?

5. here's your change. 给你的找零。


1. i want / i'd like a pair of shoes. 我想要买一双鞋。

2. how much is it / are they? 价格多少?

3. may i try it on? 能试穿一下吗?

4. it's too big / small. 它太大/小了。

5. sorry, it's too expensive. 对不住,它太贵了。

6. do you have anything cheaper? 有廉价点的吗?

7. do you have other colors / sizes / kinds? 你有其它颜色/标准/品种的吗?

8. well, i'll think about it. 哦,我思考一下吧。

topic 10 旅行与方案



walk 走路, fly 飞翔, on foot 步行, by bus 乘坐公共轿车, by train 乘火车, ride a

bike 骑自行车, by ship 坐轮船, by plane 乘飞机, no.3 bus 3 号公共轿车


1. the train leaves at 8:00 am and arrives at 12:00 am. 火车8点发车十二点到


2. i just came back from... 我刚好从……回来。

3. have gone to... 他们去了还没回……

4. have been to 去了现已回

5. i want to fly to washington next week. 我想下周乘飞机去华盛顿。

6. i hope you have a good trip. 玩得高兴!

topic 11 谈论气候


(1) describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) 描绘气候(阳光亮丽的、多云的、有风的、下雨的、热的、温暖的、冷的、凉快的、等等)

(2) understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow,

wind, sun, cloud,etc.) 了解气候预告(条件、温度、雨、雪、风、太阳、云、等


(3) dressing for the weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, overcoat,

windbreaker, etc.) 关于气候的穿戴(外套、帽子、雨伞、雨衣、大衣、防风上



1. what's the weather like today? 今每气候怎么样?

2. how's the weather in beijing? 北京气候如何?

3. what a cold/hot day today! 今每气候真冷/真热!


1. it's a nice / fine / beautiful / horrible day today. 今每气候真好/真糟啊!

2. it's sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy. 今每气候晴朗/多云/多风/多雨/多雪/多雾。

topic 12 快乐喜爱喜爱


i love... 我爱……;

i like... 我喜爱……;

i'm interested in... 我对……感快乐喜爱;

i'm fond of... 我喜爱……;

...is my favorite sport.…… 是我最喜爱的运动;

i like...best 我最喜爱……;

my hobby is... 我的喜爱是……;

i'm a football fan. 我是一个足球迷。

read 读书, watch tv 看电视, go to the movies 去看影片, collect stamps 搜集

邮票, listen to music 听音乐, painting 画画, play basketball / volleyball / football 玩篮球/排球/足球, go swimming 去游水, play the piano / violin 弹钢琴/拉小提琴, play chess 下棋。


1. this book is very interesting. 这本书很风趣。

2. i like / love the movie very much. 我非常喜爱这部影片。

3. i like taking photos. 我喜爱拍摄。

4. i enjoy listening to music. 我喜爱听音乐。

5. i'm interested in science. 我对天然科学感快乐喜爱。

6. he is fond of music. 他喜爱音乐。

topic 13 学校日子


class 班级; grade 大学; teacher 教师;playground 操场; library 图书馆; classmate 同学; favorite subject 最喜爱的类别; activity 活动; office 单位; break 课间歇息; school trip 学校旅行; do one's homework 做作业; study for a test 预备考试; learn english 学习英语; have math class 上数学课; the school rules 学校规章准则; be late for class / school 上课/上学迟到; go to school 去上学; school clubs 学校沙龙


1. —how many boy students are there in your class? 你的班里有多少男同学?

—there are twenty-one boy students in my class. 我的班里有二十一名男同


2. —what do you think of your english teacher? 你觉得你们的英语教师如何


—she is very friendly to us. 她对咱们很友爱。

3. —how do you study english?你如何学英语?

—i study english by taking notes in class. 我经过课堂上做笔记来学习英语。

4. —please don't eat in class. 请不要在课堂上吃东


—sorry, i won't. 对不住,我不会了。

5. —how was your school trip? 你的学校旅行如何啊?

—it was great / ok / good. 极好。

6. —i will have an english test tomorrow. 我明日有一个英语查验。

—good luck to you! 期望你有好命运!

7. —our school will have a picnic this weekend. 咱们学校这个周末有一次野


—have a good time! 好好玩吧!

topic 14 时刻与日期


1. —when were you born? 你啥时分出世的?

—i was born on august 17th ,1978. 我出世于 1978 年 8 月 17 日。

2. —what time do you usually go to school? 你一般啥时分去学校?

—i usually go to school at seven o'clock. 我一般七点去学校。

3. —what day is it today? 今日是周几?

—today is monday. 今日是周一。

4. —what's the date today? 今日是几号?

—it's july 18th. 7 月 18 日。

5. —what's the time? / what time is it? 几点了?

—it's eight o'clock in the evening. 晚上8点。

6. —which season do you like best? 你最喜爱哪个时节?

—i like summer best. 我最喜爱夏日。

topic 15 恭维与应对


1. —your skirt is so beautiful. 你的裙子很秀丽。

—thank you. 谢谢。

2. —i have just got my driver's license. 我现已拿到了驾照。

—i'm glad to hear that. 听到这我很高兴。

3. —i think you have an excellent son. 我认为你有一个优良的儿子。

—thank you. 谢谢。

4. —happy birthday to you. 生日高兴。

—thanks a lot. 多谢。

5. —it's very kind of you taking care of my cat when i am away. 你在我不在的时侯照看我的猫真是太好了。

—it's my pleasure. 不谦让。

topic 16 作业与表面


look like 看起来像; tall 高的; short 矮的; medium height 中等身高; medium

build 中等体型; fat 胖的; thin 瘦的; heavy 重的; straight hair 直发; curly hair 卷

发; strong 健壮的; blond hair 金黄色头发; brown hair 棕发


1. —what do you do? 你是做啥的?

—i am an actor. 我是一名演员。

2. —what's your job? 你的作业是啥?

—i am a teacher. 我是一名教师。

3. —what does he do? 他是干啥的?

—he is a doctor. 他是一名医生。

4. —what do you want to be when you grow up? 当你长大后想干啥?

—i want to be a pilot. 我想变成一名飞翔员。

5. —what does he want to be when he grows up? 当他长大后想干啥?

—he wants to be an engineer. 他想变成一名工程师。

6. —what does he look like? 他长得啥姿势?

—he is of medium height. 他中等个子。

7. —what does she look like? 她长得啥姿势?

—she has long hair. 她有长长的头发

学会的记住点个 “赞”哦~



