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2023-06-25 21:14:47 | 人围观 | 评论:


i have one task for you. from process point of view and everything will be correct according process each ccr must have reference to rcr or to defect (ot - ticket).
? on fca 4g tcu project we have found one issue, that one particular interface was not changed from to srp port. this has to be corrected. port should be srp_comprecondition. but in flashmaster module is still called get_com_preconditions. link to spec, where is has to be corrected:doors.
? so to work correctly as a specifier, you need to find out : in which cr was

changed get_com_preconditions -> srp_comprecondition (not sure if this srp port is introduced on cdd side or bsab side). decide if this change requered ot ticket or new rcr if there was introduction on cdd side, than correct specification, because at this moment it doesnt exists (probably it was just taken over and spec was forgotten) - link to doors.
? if there was a introduction on bsab side, than with rcr it was introduced (if exists)
hint: as a first step on a-doku folder you can find interface report for that variant (\\frdtefile\hpsys_kb\adoku\)
find out who is provider. and than on release of component library (cdd / bsab) on portspec you can find out the providing module. after you are able to find out cr number with introduction (if exists ) - check version trees and go from latest to oldest version until you find out. so please, when you are waiting for build or others stuff and you have nothing to do, in pararel have a look for this topic.
on monday i wanted to check with you your result ?(no result is also result and we can dive deeper in this topic). so

any further question put here in this chat so everybody can see it. this is the easiest thing you need to know when you will be working on your own project.

p.s.: this is typical problem, when do not perform correct linking cds with macroliste.
you do not find out what needs to be changed.
