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2023-09-06 11:16:02 | 人围观 | 评论:


text 1 29词 步行去上班
m: jenny, you can just drop me here.
-can 弱读。读作/k?n/而不是/k?n/。
-just 读作jus。

w: but were two streets away from the office.
-but结束的/t/读成喉塞音,即 glottal t。
-streets away 两词连读。归于子音+元音连读。
-the office 两词连读。归于元音+元音连读。the在这儿弱读为/ei/。

m: its fine. i had a big breakfast and feel like a bit of walk.
-had a 两词连读。归于子音+元音连读。可是不定冠词a在这儿读成了/e?/,这是很常见的情况。
-feel like正常读。feel结束的l读作dark l,like最初的l读作claer l。
-a bit of 中的a不好前面的like连读。bit结束的/t/读作喉塞音。of要弱读,读成/?v/,而且和后边的walk连读,这归于子音+半元音连读。

text 2 33词 熬夜赶项目
w: hello, george. you look tired. didnt sleep well last night?
-you look tired. 中 look 结束的/k/的处置方法为微声除阻。tired读的时分要留心单词内的元音+元音连读。
-didnt 的读法是这样的。依照三强音三弱音的规则,它结束的t省掉了。
-sleep well 两词连读。归于子音+半元音连读。
-last 的读法和didnt相同,结束的t省掉了。仍是三强音三弱音在起作用。night正常读即可。

m: no, not at all. i had to work flat out to meet the project deadline. now im really feeling a bit run-down.
-not at all 三词悉数正常读,每个词的每个音都读出来,而且没有连读。
-had to 这两个词的读法要留心。had结束的d读成喉塞音。to要弱读为/t?/。
-flat out 两词正常读,没有连读,也没有喉塞音读法。
-to meet the project deadline. 在这几个词中,留心 to 和 the 要弱读,deadline中心的d读成喉塞音。其他meet 和 project 正常读。
-now im really feeling a bit run-down. 在这句话中,只需要留心把 bit 结束的t读成喉塞音即可。其他词悉数正常读,不需要运用任何连读技巧。

text 3 29词 去公园谈天
w: john, cans so noisy in here.
-someplace and 这儿首要and弱读成/?n/,然后和前词someplace连读——子音+元音连读。

m: well, theres usually not crowded at this time of day.
-theres a连读——子音+元音连读。
-park across 两词之间没有连读。
-across the 是这么连读的。首要the弱读为 /e?/,然后其间的th sound /e/被前词结束的/s/干掉(三强音三弱音),剩下的 /?/和across连读——子音+元音连读。
-not 和 at 结束处的t都读成喉塞音。
-time of 这两个词的中心是of。它首要弱读为/?v/,然后再和time连读——子音+元音连读。

text 4 33词 邻居家的狗
w: wes dog.
-这句话里边 got 和 about 结束的t读喉塞音。
-something about两词连读——子音+元音连读。

m: why? has he been into your flower garden again?
-been 和 into 要留心弱读。它们两个在这儿不必连读。
-flower 在读的时分要留心单词内的元音+元音连读。
-garden 在读的时分要留心第二音节里的鼻腔爆破(把/e/读成塞音)。
-garden again——子音+元音连读。

w: the flower garden, the garbage can and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard.
-the 留心弱读。
-garden 在读的时分要留心第二音节里的鼻腔爆破。
-garbage 结束的浊音清化,
-and运用strong form,而且读成了andy,以便和紧随这今后的yesterday在语音上滑润过度。
-he started,he要弱读,started 结束的d读成喉塞音。
-in the yard这有些要特别留心定冠词the的弱读,读成 /ei/。

text 5 34词 订餐位
m: hello, we have a reservation in the name of mr. jones. is there any table by the window?
-we have a reservation这有些要留心不定冠词a的读法,它在这儿读strong form /e?/,而且不好前面的have连读。
-in the name of这有些在读的时分要留心the的弱读,name of不必故意连读。
-is there any table by the window? 这句话读的时分只需要留心the的弱读。

w: sorry, wes quiet here, not close to the door.
-got 结束的t读成喉塞音。
-quiet 这个词读的时分一是留心单词内元音+元音连读,而是留心它结束的t读成喉塞音。
-not close to the door,这有些要留心的是,to 和 the 弱读,一起close结束的子音/z/会干掉to最初的子音/t/,然后close to两词连读——子音+元音连读。

text 6 (第7题为揣度题) 72词 赴宴预备
w: dave, donre invited out to dinner tonight.
-dont 结束的t读成喉塞音。
-were invited 连读——r(re)+元音连读。
-out 结束的t读成喉塞音,而且不好前面的invited连读。
-to 要留心弱读。

m: oh, yeah. i almost forgot. what time?
-what time? 中 what 结束的t读成喉塞音。

w: 7:30. we should leave the house by 6:30. you know how bad the traffic is that time of night.
-seven thirty(7:30)中要留心thirty的读法。这是美式发音,thirty 中的t读的是 american t,又名 flap t。
-should leave 两词之间有一个边爆破。
-six thirty(6:30)的中的thirty相同要留心american t的读法。
-bad 结束的d读成喉塞音。这今后的the要留心弱读。
-traffic结束的硬音/k/不送气,而且和这今后的 is 连读——子音+元音连读。
-that time of night 这有些应留心两点,一是 that 结束的t读成喉塞音。二是,of 弱读,然后和前面的 time 连读——子音+元音连读。

m: itt it?
-这句话要留心 isnt 结束的 t 读成 american t,然后和这今后的 it 连读——子音+元音连读。

w: yeah. you can wear your new sports jacket. the one i got you as an anniversary gift.
- jacket 读的时分留心,其间的硬音/k/不送气。
-one i 两词连读——子音+元音连读。
-got 结束的t读成喉塞音。
-as an 两词连读——子音+元音连读。可是 an 不好后边的 anniversary 连读。

m: ok. well, ill try to get home a little earlier today.
- 留心 got 结束的t读成喉塞音。to 要弱读。
- ill 的读音近似于 /?l/,而不是 /a?.l/。
- home a 两词在读的时分不必思考连读的疑问,天然读就可以了。
- a little earlier,little 中的t要读成 american t,然后在 earlier 中包括一个单词内元音+元音连读。

w: good.

text 7 90词 谈论如何搬公司
m: we need to decide exactly when were going to move. any suggestions?
- need 结束的d读成喉塞音。to 弱读。
- when were 都要弱读。
-to move,留心,to要多读,move 结束的浊子音/v/ 要清化。

w: i think july would be the best time. our sales are always down that month. we could move all the offic

e equipment at a weekend. do everything at once.
- would 弱读,一起其结束的d读成喉塞音。
- best 结束的t读成喉塞音。
- sales are 两词连读——子音+元音连读。
- that 结束的t读成喉塞音。
- could 弱读,一起其结束的d读成喉塞音。
- the 弱读为 /ei/,不好这今后的office连读。
- office equipment 两词连读——子音+元音连读。equipment 中心的p和结束的t读成喉塞音。
- at a weekend 的读法需要留心是,at 结束的t读成喉塞音,然后不必和这今后的a连读。
- do everything at once. 这句话只需要留心把at结束的t读成喉塞音。do everything两词之间不连读。

m: i think a weekend is too short. maybe we should do it department by department.
- weekend is 的读法是这样的。weekend 结束的子音d和 is 中的元音i省掉,一起weekend 中心的k不送气。读起来就如同 weegens。
- 在第二句话中,should结束的d读成喉塞音。do it两词连读——元音+元音连读,一起it结束的t读成喉塞音。department 中心的t读成喉塞音。

w: what do you mean?

m: well, each week, a different department would move. that way, there would always be people here to handle customer inquiries, phone calls, and so on.
-department 中心的t读成喉塞音。would 要弱读,一起它结束的d有一个同化发生,move结束的v清化。
-that way, that结束的t读成喉塞音。
-there would, would弱读,一起其结束的d读成喉塞音。
-to handle, to要留心弱读。
-and so on,and弱读,一起它结束的d省掉。so on 两词连读——元音+元音连读。

w: hmm, thats a good idea.
-thats a 两词连读——子音+元音连读。
good idea 两词连读——子音+元音连读。that读的很弱很迷糊,a如同读成了/?/——由/e?/弱化而来。

text 8 182词 采访一位馆长
w: so mr. peter selz, id be curious to know what were the early connections in your life that led you into the art field.
-mr. 中的t不送气。peter 中的t读成 american t。
-id 的中d读成弹舌音(fast d)。
-to know 中to要弱读。
-what were the early connections 中what结束的t读成喉塞音,the读成/ei?/,但不好这今后的early发生连读。
-in your life 中in your两词连读——子音+半元音连读。
-that led you into the art field 中that结束的t读成喉塞音,led you两词连读——子音+半元音连读。the如同读成了/di/,而且不好这今后的art连读,field结束的d清化。

m: my grandfather was an art dealer in munich. they had a great museum in munich. he took me to the museum, and i responded very strongly to what i saw on the walls there. i learned about art from him. i learned about looking at art from him. i think thats what really got me started. then many years later, after i got out of the army, i went to study art history at the university of chicago.

-my grandfather was an art dealer in munich. grandfather中心的d省掉。was an两词连读——子音+元音连读,an之后如同加了一个很短的/?/。an和这今后的 art不发生连读。art dealer两词之间如同加了一个很短的/n/,便利把dealer最初的/d/读成浊音。

-they had a great museum in munich. had a 两词连读——子音+元音连读,不过a显着读成了/e?/。museum有一个单词内元音+元音连读,下同。

-he took me to the museum, 留心to the都要弱读。

-and i responded very strongly to what i saw on the walls there. 这儿what结束的t读成喉塞音,这样就不必和这今后的 i 连读。on the中要留心the弱读成/n?/。

-i learned about art from him. 其间 learned about两词连读——子音+元音连读,about结束的t读成喉塞音。from要弱读。

-i learned about looking at art from him. 其间learned about读法同前面一句。looking at art 三词不连读。from弱读。

-i think thats what两词连读——子音+半元音连读,what结束的t读成喉塞音。got结束的t读成喉塞音。

-then many years later, after i got out of the army, 其间later中的t读成american t。after读成了af-dra。out结束的t读成喉塞音。of the别离弱读为/?v/和/ei/。

-i went to study art history at the university of chicago. 这儿to study中的to要弱读。at the 两词连读,其间the读作/ei/,后边的of读作/?v/。

w: tell us more about your experiences of looking at art with your grandfather.
-tell us两词连读——子音+元音连读。more about两词连读——r(re)+元音连读。语句中心的of读作/?v/,而且不好前面的experiences连读。with your——子音+半元音连读,而且your弱读为/j?/。

m: well, we looked at the famous paintings by the great artists like rembrandt, botticelli and albrecht dürer. rubens paintings were my favorites.yes, i remember these things. this was when i was between ten and fifteen. when i was fourteen, i was so anxious to see more art that a friend of mine and i bicycled across the alps to see venice. that was a big adventure.

-we looked at the famous paintings by the great artists like rembrandt, botticelli and albrecht dürer. 其间looked中的/k/读成喉塞音,而且由结束的d和at连读,at结束的t读成喉塞音,the弱读为/d?/。在great artists中,great结束的t正常爆破,可是却没有和后边的artists。

-rubens paintings were my favorites. yes, i remember these things. 这儿favorites读作 /?fe?.vr.?ts/。

-this was when i was between ten and fifteen. 这儿when i没有连读,降低听力难度。

-when i was fourteen, 这儿when i仍是没有连读,意图仍然是为了降低听力难度。

-i was so anxious to see more art that a friend of mine and i bicycled across the alps to see venice. 在这句里边,was so两词连读——子音+子音连读,so 和 anxious之间没有连读。more 和 art 之间也没有连读。that弱读,而且其结束的t读成喉塞音,听起来就是 /e?/。friend of两词连读——子音+元音连读,of弱读为/?v/。and弱读为/?n/,不好这今后的 i 连读。bicycled across 两词不连读。the alps两词不连读,the弱读为/ei/。to see venice中的to要留心弱读。

-that was a big adventure. 这句话was a两词连读。big adventure不连读,adventure如同读成了/?d?ven.t??/。

text 9 184词 谈论学习与作业
w: hi, john. havent seen you for ages!

m: hi, susan. fancy meeting you here on the train.
-here on两词连读——r(re)+元音连读。the弱读为/n?/。恰当于here on the三词连读。

w: how is your college life?
-how is两词连读——元音+元音连读。is结束的子音/z/和弱读后的your发生变音,读作/??/。恰当于how is your三词连读。

m: what can i say? ive survived.
-what结束的t读喉塞音。can i 两词连读——子音+元音连读。survived结束的/d/清化。

w: what happened?

m: well, early last march, i started doing a part-time job in a law firm. a few weeks before, i had started writing my term paper. i thought i could finish it by august.
-started doing两词连读——子音+子音连读。part-time中的第一个t读喉塞音。in a两词连读——子音+元音连读。
-i had中的had结束的d读喉塞音。writing中心的t读american t。paper中心的/p/不送气,下同。
-thought结束的t、could结束的d和it结束的t都读喉塞音。finish it两词连读——子音+元音连读。by august不连读。

w: that was a pretty good idea, trying to have some work experience.
-was a两词连读——子音+元音连读。
-pretty中心的t读flap t。
-good idea两词连读——子音+元音连读。
-work experience两词连读——子音+元音连读。不过要留心,work结束的/k/不送气,ex-中的硬音/k/省掉,所以work experience读起来就是/?w??-ɡ?-?sp??.ri.?ns/。

m: for the first three weeks, you know, i tried. i got up early and worked for an hour on my paper before going to work. but work was so fun. i met tons of new people, and soon i couldnt find even a minute for my paper. so i had to quit my part-time job, and finally finished my paper in october.
-got up两次连读——子音+元音连读。但要留心,got结束的t读flap t,up结束的p读喉塞音。
-for an两词连读——子音+元音连读。an不好后边的hour连读,降低听力难度。
-going读作goin。to work中的to弱读。
-but work was so fun. but结束的t读喉塞音。was so两次连读——子音+子音连读。
-i met tons of new people, tons of两词连读——子音+元音连读,一起留心of弱读。people中的第二个p不送气。
-and soon i couldnt find even a minute for my paper. and结束的d省掉。find结束处如同添加了一个很短很轻的/i/。even a不连读。
-so i had to quit my part-time job, and finally finished my paper in october. to弱读,quit结束的t读喉塞音,part-time中的第一个t读喉塞音。and结束的d省掉。

w: well, its kind of hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do.
-kind of两词连读——子音+元音连读,of需要先弱读。to弱读,find a 两词连读——子音+元音连读。

m: yeah, its really important for me to balance study and work. and i think i should learn to exercise some self-control.
-to弱读。balance study两词本该连读——子音+子音连读,可是这儿却没有连读,显着就是为了降低听力难度。
-and i 两词连读——子音+元音连读。should弱读为/?/。to弱读为/t?/。exercise some 本应两词连读,这儿却没有连读,显着是为了降低听力难度。

text 10 (第20题为总结题) 196词 共享赛道上的阅历
m: being an athlete is very fun, painful and exciting. every time i come to the track, i feel like it care about the silver. i want to do my best, you know, take everything and show it to the world.

-being an athlete is very fun, painful and exciting. 在这句话中,an athlete is 三词都没有连读,and exciting也没有连读。显着是为了降低难度。

-every time i come to the track, i feel like im out of this place. 在这句话里,out of 两词连读——子音+元音连读,of弱读为/?v/。

-this is botswana national stadium. 在这句话里,this is 没有连读。

-this is where i train. 全句没有连读,都是分隔读。

-when i saw usain bolt running in 2012 london olympics, i was amazed. 全句多处大约连读的当地都没有连读,意图就是为了降低难度。

-just watching him run got me motivated. 在这句话里,got 结束的t读喉塞音。

-i quit being a chess player and started to run. 在这句话里,player有一个单词内元音+元音连读。started 结束的d读喉塞音。

-i went to the 2016 olympics and went to the finals at the age of 18. 在这句话里,and 弱读为/?n/。at结束的t读喉塞音。the弱读为/ei/。age of 两词连读——子音+元音连读,of弱读为/?v/。

-it was a dream come true to me, but i still wanted more. 在这句话里,it 结束的t读喉塞音。was a 两词连读——子音+元音连读。wanted结束的/d/同化为/m/。

-the training is super hard, but the hardest part for me is that i got an injury, an injury which may take me out for years. 这句话里的 but, part 和 that 结束的t读喉塞音。

-for a period of time, as a young athlete, i didnt know what to do. 在这句话里,for a 两词连读——子音+元音连读,a读作/e?/。period o f两词连读——子音+元音连读,of 弱读为/?v/。as a 两词连读——子音+元音连读,a读作/e?/。what 结束的t读喉塞音。

-i lost focus. 留心focus中的/k/不送气。

-but now, im back on the track. 在这句话里,but 结束的t读喉塞音。back on 两词连读——子音+元音连读,back结束的/k/不送气。the弱读为/n?/。

-i really want to be there at the olympics and do what i did before. 在这句话里,at和what结束的t,以及did结束的d都读喉塞音。and 弱读为/?n/。

- do much, much greater. 在这句话里,greater中的t读作american t。

-i dont 和about结束的t都读喉塞音。care about两词连读——r(re)+元音连读。

-i want to do my best, you know, take everything and show it to the world. 在这句话里,want和it结束的t都读喉塞音。show it两词连读——元音+元音连读。

