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2021高考英语新高考1卷听力https://www.zhihu.com/video/1457708038132559872第一有些 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时刻来答复有关小题和阅览下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:how much is the shirt?
a. £19.15. b. £9.18. c. £9.15.
答案是 c。
1. why did the woman go to mallorca?
a. to teach spanish. b. to look for a job. c. to see a friend.
2. what does the man ask the woman to do?
a. take him to hospital. b. go to a class with him. c. submit a report for him.
3. who will look after the children?
a. jennifer. b. suzy. c. marie.
4. what are the speakers going to do?
a. drive home. b. go shopping. c. eat out.
5. what are the speakers talking about?
a. how to fry fish. b. how to make coffee. c. how to remove a bad smell.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时刻阅览各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时刻。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,答复第 6、7 题。
6. when does gomez watch a football game on tv?
a. when he fails to get a ticket.
b. when the stadium is crowded.
c. when his friends are too busy.
7. how much did gomez pay for the football game last time?
a. $20. b. $25. c. $50.
听第 7 段材料,答复第 8 至 10 题。
8. what did alex do in the afternoon?
a. he had a walk. b. he went hunting. c. he planted trees.
9. what did alex bring back?
a. flowers. b. leaves. c. books.
10. what was bob doing when alex saw him?
a. fishing. b. taking pictures. c. swimming.
听第 8 段材料,答复第 11 至 13 题。
11. what did david do on his most recent holiday?
a. he had a boat trip. b. he took a balloon flight. c. he climbed a mountain.
12. what is on davids list?
a. gifts he needed to buy. b. things he wished to do. c. dates he had to remember.
13. where does the woman suggest david go for his next holiday?
a. australia. b. california. c. the amazon.
听第 9 段材料,答复第 14 至 17 题。
14. why did sarah make the phone call?
a. to ask a favor. b. to pass on a message. c. to make an appointment.
15. where is sarah now?
a. in brighton. b. at her home. c. at the shelton hotel.
16. what time is michael leaving his place tomorrow morning?
a. at 7:40. b. at 8:00. c. at 8:20.
17. what is the probable relationship between john and sarah?
a. neighbors. b. fellow workers. c. husband and wife.
听第 10 段材料,答复第 18 至 20 题。
18. what do most people think is very important in spoken communication?
a. pronunciation. b. vocabulary. c. grammar.
19. why should you listen to experts according to the speaker?
a. to develop your reading fluency.
b. to improve your note-taking skills.
c. to find out your mispronunciations.
20. what is the speakers last suggestion?
a. spell out the difficult words.
b. check the words in a dictionary.
c. practice reading the words aloud.
1—5 ccbac 6—10 ababa 11—15 cbcab 16—20 acbcc
(text 1)
w: i was in mallorca last week.
m: oh, what were you doing there?
w: my best friend worked there. and i went to visit her. it was a good chance to practice my spanish.
(text 2)
m: ruth, it go to the class.
could you help me hand in my lab report to dr. davidson?
w: sure, no problem. just take care of yourself and dont worry about the class.
(text 3)
m: marie, if no one takes care of your children while youre away, jennifer and i will be glad to have them stay with us.
w: thats. you know, suzy lives close by.
(text 4)
m: hurry up with your food, sally. they say thered better get home before that.
w: okay, is get back to the car. could you carry these shopping bags?
m: oh, sure.
(text 5)
m: we deep fried fish three days ago in the kitchen, but the unpleasant smell stays.
w: there is a method you can try. every time you make coffee, dry the leftover coffee grounds and keep them in small bowls, then place the bowls in the kitchen.
(text 6)
w:are you a football fan, gomez?
m: yes, i go to the stadium whenever there’s a good game, and if i can’t get a ticket, i watch the game on tv. that way, they are less exciting, though.
w: is the ticket expensive?
m: it depends. it usually costs about 20 to 50 dollars. last time i paid 25.
w: that’s not very expensive. maybe we can go together some time.
m: great! it’ll be more fun to watch a game with a friend.
女:票贵吗?男:看情况。一般要 20 到 50 美元。 前次我付了 25 英镑。

(text 7)
w:you were out the whole afternoon, alex. what did you do?
m:i took a walk by myself.
w: you just kept walking and walking for four hours?
m: actually, it’s not so boring. walking in the woods is a grand adventure. your feet can take you to the most amazing places.
w: what did you do in the woods?
m: i smelled the flowers, looked at the birds, and yeah, i picked many tree leaves. i will make bookmarks with them. look!
w: aren’t they beautiful!
m:then i met bob at the lake. he was fishing while his kids were having a swim.
w: did you talk to him?
m: no, i walked on and took a lot of pictures. there’s just so much out there to see.
男: 没有,我持续走了,而且拍了许多相片。那里有那么多东西可以看。
(text 8)
w: david, how was your holiday?
m: great, i climbed mount fuji. it was really beautiful. now i can check one more thing off my list.
w: your list?
m: yes. when i was 12, i made a list of things i wanted to do some day.
w: thats interesting. how many of the things on your list have you done so far?
m: almost half. i have pictures. would you like to see them?
w: yes, sure.
m: here i am on top of mount fuji. and here i am in a hot air balloon.
w: when did you do that? ive always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon.
m: it was two years ago, in august, in california.
w: what are your plans for the next holiday?
m: im thinking of deep-sea diving in australia. do you have any other suggestions?
w: you really ought to take a boat down the amazon. youve been to.
m: ok. ill put it on my list.
男:是的。当我 12 岁的时分,我列了一张清单,上面写着我有朝一日想做的作业。
(text 9)
w: hello, michael.
m: hi, sarah.
w: are you attending the conference tomorrow morning at the shelton hotel?
m: yes. are you?
w: yeah, but when i arrived home five minutes ago, i found that my car wouldnt start. and john is in brighton on business.
m: do you know whats wrong with the car?
w: im not exactly sure. i think there is a problem with the engine. err… i wonder if you could give me a ride to the hotel tomorrow morning.
m: sure. when shall i be at your place?
w: well, what about 8:00? from my place to shelton, we have to drive through the quarters, so wed better leave early to avoid the traffic.
m: ok. no problem. it takes twenty minutes to reach your place. so ill set off at 7:40. by the way, do you also need me to drive you home tomorrow afternoon?
w: no, john will be back then, and hell get me home. thank you, michael.
m: thats okay. see you tomorrow.
w:那么,8 点怎么样?从我家到谢尔顿,咱们得开车穿过宿舍,所以咱们最佳早点脱离避免交通堵塞。
m:好的。没疑问。到你家要二非常钟。所以我 7:40 启航。趁便问一下,你明日下午还需要我开车送你回家吗?
(text 10)
w: hello, everyone. today ill talk about how to improve your pronunciation. language researchers say pronunciation and fluency are the biggest barriers, followed by grammar, in effective spoken
english. however, most people dons time to practice reading them every day.