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《 unit 4. lesson 2》教育方案方案
课题 :unit 4. lesson 2
实验教科书英语(一年起点)二年下册unit 4。这是本单元的第1课时。经过本课学习,让学生在教师辅导下协作进行看图说话,初步培育学生的言语搬场才能及发散思维。从中也更进一步打开了学生自立听、说及协作学习言语常识的才能。
(1)能听、说、认读本课学习的单词 thirteen,fo

urteen,fifteen , 能在往常交际中熟练运用。
(2)能听懂、会读、会说、会运用本课look,listen and repeat.中的对话。
能听、说、认读本课学习的单词 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen , 能在往常交际中熟练运用。
(1)能听懂、会读、会说、会运用本课look,listen and repeat.中的对话。
(一) warming up
1. greeting:
now let’s sing. are you ready?
ten little fingers
one little , two little , three little fingers . four little , five little , six little fingers . seven little , eight little , nine little fingers .ten fingers on my hands .
ten little , nine little , eight little fingers . seven little , six little , five little fingers . four little , three little , two little fingers . one finger on my hand .
class begins. hello! dear children. group1: nice to meet you.
group2: how are you today!
let’s learn english together. ok?
have a good day!
(二) presentation:
now today we’ll go on learning unit4 lesson2(板书)
(幻)now. look and say.
(幻)let’s chant. show me your hands. are you readay?
(幻)read and say. what time is it? it’s …. say to the partner.
1. 单词处置
1) thirteen
(幻)look, thirteen. (黄笔板书) now spell with me . say to the partner. write please. (幻)look. what time is it?/it’s four thirteen. read together. say to the partner.
2) fourteen
(幻)now look, fourteen(黄笔板书)spell with me .(巨细声操练)write please.(幻)look. what time is it? /it’s five fourteen. read together. say to the partner. (巨细声操练)
3) fifteen
(幻)now look , fifteen. show me your hand. how to spell? (黄笔板书)(简略操练)(幻)look. what time is it? /it’s three fifteen. read together. say to the partner.
4) playtime
(幻)now look , they want to play football. it’s playtime. he wants to go swimming. it’s playtime. he wants to ride a bike. it’s playtime. she wants to fly a kite. it’s playtime. now. guess. playtime. what’s missing? try to say.
4. 课文处置
1)(幻)now look , what are they saying ? now listen to the tape and answer my question. 1. what time is it? 2. what do they want to do? listen again. answer the question. read and act.
2)(幻)look. we are going to make a clock. first. let’s get some things read. let’s make a clock.
(幻)listen and answer. what time is it? / it’s three fifteen. read together. say to the partner.
(幻)listen and answer. what time is it? / it’s four thirteen . read together. say to the partner.
(幻)listen and answer. what time is it? / it’s five fourteen. read together. say to the partner.
3) practice (幻)look. we have three pictures. try to say and your partner. for three minutes.
(四) sum up
1) today what have you learned? (引导学生总结)
2)yes, we have learned three words. now let’s read together.
(五) homework (幻)
dear children, you have done very well in this class. thank you. class is over. good bye!