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这是 一向配偶 的第 614 篇文章
这篇文章 1647 字,估计阅览 5min
pertinent & in its infancy
but much of the pertinent technology is in its infancy. that, together with the cost of converting from old to new equipment, which might run to several billion dollars per plant, means it could take decades for steelmakers to go green.
当你想标明「有关的」时分,你是不是会想到 relevant ?但这个单词太常见,要想给写作添加一抹亮色,就用上它的近义词 pertinent 吧。这个单词要愈加正式,意思是 appropriate to a particular situation「有关的,直接有关的」。比方, pertinent information 是「有关信息」。
除了直接放在名词前,它也常与 to 分配,构成 be pertinent to sth。假定想标明「a 与 b 有关」,那咱们可以写作 a is pertinent to b 。此外,句中的 plant 指的是「工厂」而非「植物」, steelmaker 是「炼钢厂」。

the last point is particularly pertinent to today's discussion.


in its infancy
假定不知道 infancy,不妨联想到另一个跟它很像的名词 infant 「婴儿」。后缀 -cy 常用来标明 the state or quality of being something「某状况,某性质」。所以 infancy 是「婴儿期」。婴儿期是人生的初始期间,所以 infancy 的第二条释义就是「前期,草创期」。天然, in its infancy 是指「处于前期期间」。

可以有些同学会有些疑问,这个短语的意思我已司理解了,但如同写作用不着?这的确不是一个啥场合都能派上用场的短语,但在某些特定场合却非常好用。比方,当你想要描绘 某种新趋势、某种新技能 刚刚鼓起时,如无人驾御、远程作业,比较 at the beginning ,或 in the early stages ,新短语 in its infancy 要生动得多。下面咱们来看 2011 年英语一第三篇阅览真题中的一句话。

this trend, which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further.

咱们信赖该趋势当前仍处于开始状况。这一趋势开始始于零售商和航空公司、酒店等旅行效能供给商, 作用拔群,必定会得到进一步打开。


while remote work is still in its infancy in many respects, this new pattern has not only helped companies to alleviate the labor shortage, but also offered more flexibility for th

e workforce.


the point of doing a is to do b.
the point of replacing coke with hydrogen would have been to reduce the ore in a way that created water rather than co2, thus eliminating climate-warming emissions.
接下来,咱们要学习的是一款低沉的句型。如何标明「 意图 」?咱们下知道想到了 purpose 或许意图状语 to do sth 。但英语中还有许多其他的表达。point 除了标明「要害;分数」外,还常用来标明 the purpose or aim of something「意图,意图」。 在口语中咱们常常见到它和由它构成的各短语。比方,你关于某件事的意图不解,或许想质疑做某事的意义,这时英佳人士常会这样表达: what's the point of doing sth?

what's the point of this meeting anyway?


而假定你想标明「做 a 的意图是为了做 b」,或许简述为「做 a 旨在做 b」,那咱们可以用上提炼自外刊的这个句型: the point of doing a is to do b 。2016 年英语一考研新题型顶用过这个表达。留个疑问,咱们前不久学过另一个短语,也用来标明意图,是哪个呢?

the point of a style upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time fussing over what to wear. instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.

形象前进并非旨在变得愈加虚荣,也非花更多时刻为穿戴操心,而是旨在以此为要害,减轻「抉择计划疲惫」 。

以「网课」为论题,咱们用上方才的句型,把网课的活泼意义写出来。equitable 标明「公正合理的」,恰当于 fair。impoverished 意思是「非常贫穷的」,比 poor 的程度更重。

the point of online learning courses is to provide relatively equitable access for students both in wealthy as well as in impoverished areas, thereby bridging learning gaps.


be adept at doing sth
he—and research suggests men are particularly given to such narcissism—hogs the spotlight in meetings, is adept at grabbing undeserved glory, and is a pro at self-promotion.
hog the spotlight
第三个语句来自前不久巴托比专栏刊登的一篇讲职场的文章。 narcissism 是「自恋」, hog 在此为动词,标明「独占」。 spotlight 咱们上星期在《》那篇精读刚说到,所以 hog the spotlight 在这儿咱们可译为「大出风头」。
说到「擅长做某事」,十自个可以有九自个的第一反应都是 be good at sth ,但这个表达太太太基础,连大学生都很熟。要是想让自个的作文跟大学生的作文摆开层次,咱们非常有必要多贮藏一些表达。 adept 标明 good at something that needs care and skill「擅长的,熟练的」,可用它来替换 skilful 。
假定你想夸兄弟网球打得好,那么你可以会称其为「网球高手」,这个「高手」怎么用英文翻译呢?换个思路,「高手」就是「非常擅长某事的人」,所以咱们转化为 an adept tennis player 就可以表达「网球高手」了。

be adept at / in (doing) sth
比较放于名词前,它更常构成短语,既可以和 at ,也可和 in 分配,构成 be adept at / in (doing) sth,意思为「擅长某事」,可替换 be good at (doing) sth 。

kitzi was adept at getting people to talk confidentially to him.


好,咱们来看 2021 年 6 月六级真题中的另一个例句。 cognitive 标明「认知的」, neuroscientist 指的是「神经学家」。

matthew d. lieberman, a social cognitive neuroscientist at the university of california, los angeles, and author of the 2013 book social: why our brains are wired to connect, suspects that the human brain is especially adept at learning socially salient information.

马修 d. 利伯曼是加州大学洛杉矶分校的一名社会认知神经学家,也是 2013 年出书的《社会:为啥大脑会连通》一书的作者,他猜测人类大脑非常擅长学习哪些突显社领会义的信息。


being adept at communicating with others, which allows the exchange of ideas and insights, proves to be vital in one’s personal growth.

