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2023-09-26 21:30:31 | 人围观 | 评论:

【导语】芳香袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门喜讯到。心花怒放看告诉,愿望实如今日事,满面笑脸忆往昔,勤学苦读最秀丽。在学习大学会温习,在运用中培育才能,在总结中不断前进。以下是无忧考网为我们收拾的《 大学三大学英语口语对话操练【三篇】 》 供您查阅。【篇一】talking about weather  谈论气候  woman: it's a lovely day today,isn't it?  man: yes,but the weather forecast says it will not be fine tomorrow.  woman: what will the weather be like tomorrow?  man: it will be rainy

tomorrow.  女:今每气候真好,不是吗?  男:是的,可是气候预告说,明每气候不好。  女:明日的气候会怎样?  男:明日将会下雨。【篇二】well,hardly ever  是的,几乎不  jun: hey,fred. what's wrong?  jun: you hardly ever look sad but today you look like you've lost you your last friend.  fred: oh,the boss told me that i'm always late for work. that's not true.  jun: well,fred,you're seldom on time.  jun: you hardly ever get there until a few minutes after nine thirty.  fred: well,that's hardly late. he shouldn't complain about that.  jun: let's put it this way,fred. you're seldom early.  fred: all right. maybe that's true.  fred: but from tomorrow i'm going to change completely. i will never be late again!  jun: really,fred? never?  fred: well,hardly ever!  军:嘿,弗雷德。这是怎么回事?  小君:你几乎没有看起来哀痛的姿势,但今日你看起来像失掉了你的兄弟。  弗雷德:哦,老板告诉我说,我上班老是迟到。这不是真的。  小君,弗雷德,你很少准时到。  小君:你几乎没有在九点半到这儿,一般都迟到几分钟。  弗雷德:嗯,这不算很晚。他不大约诉苦。  军:让咱们这样说吧,弗雷德。你很少早来。  弗雷德:好吧。或许这是真的。  弗雷德:可是从明日我会完全改动。我不再迟到了!  军:真的,佛瑞德?不再?  弗雷德:是的,几乎不!【篇三】i wish i were rich  我期望我很有钱  fred: don't you wish that you were rich,jun?  jun: oh,i suppose that it would be nice. why would you like to be rich,fred?  fred: well,if i had a lot of money,i wouldn't have to work.  fred: rich people always have easy live,you know.  jun: oh,i don't know about that.  jun: even if you were rich,you'd still have problems.  fred: oh,just simple things like paying taxes and making investments.  jun: you make it sound too good. if you had nothing to do,you'd soon become bored.  fred: well,i could always travel.  jun: yes,but even travelling gets boring if you have nothing else to do.  fred: ok,you've convinced me.  fred: but i still think that i could learn to be bored but happy!  弗雷德:小君,你不期望你很有钱吗?  小君:哦,我想那将很不错。佛瑞德,你为啥想变成有钱人呢?  弗雷德:嗯,假定我有许多钱,我就不必作业。  弗雷德:有钱的人老是很简略日子,你晓得的。  小君:哦,我不晓得这件事。  小君:即便你有钱,你仍然会遇到许多疑问。  弗雷德:哦,这只是简略的作业,比方付出税收和出资。  小君:你吧它想得太好了。假定你啥都不做,你很快就会觉得无聊。  弗雷德:嗯,我可以随时去旅行。  小君:是的,但假定你没有另外作业可做,即便旅行也会无聊。  弗雷德:好吧,你说服了我。  弗雷德:可是我仍然认为我可以在无聊大学会高兴!  综上所述,关于【英语口语】的有关介绍就说到这儿了,留学是一件需要您经过沉思熟虑之后才做出的选择,因而需要您对自个的疑问都会有全方面的思考,让你愈加晓得自个需要做出啥样的抉择步崆最正确的,更多内容请随时重视咱们后续的介绍。