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2022-04-11 08:09:13 | 人围观 | 评论:




汉语 英语

一群人 a group of people

一群蚂蚁 a swarm of ants

一群鱼 a school of fish

一群鸡 a flock of chickens

一群大象 a herd of elephants

一群狼 a pack of wolves

从上述例子可以看出,汉语中的“一群”,在英语中就有很多种表示方法。而汉语中很多“把”、“张”、“双”等的概念,英语中也仅仅用“a'或”a pair of“就可以表达。例如:

汉语 英语

一本书 a book

一台相机 a camera

一辆汽车 a car

一双鞋 a pair of shoes


一副眼镜 a pair of glasses

一把剪刀 a pair of scissors




这类单位词包括piece, bit, item, article,它们的搭配能力很强,特别是piece, bit, 一般不可数名词通常都和它们搭配。例如a piece of advice/armour/bacon/bread/cake/chalk/cloth/

coal/evidence/folly/furniture/ice/information/land/meat/music/news/paper/research/sugar/work/;a bit of advice/



这类单位词,如:cake. bar, drop, ear, flight, grain, head, loaf. lump,spiral, slice等无忧英语怎么样无忧英语怎么样:这样记,英语单词轻松拿下, 都与物类的形状有关,因此搭配能力颇受限利。例如:

a cake of soap ten head of cattle/cabbage

a bar of chocolate a bundle of firewood

a drop of water a loaf of bread

a flight of stairs a spiral of incense

a grain of sand a slice of meat



这类单位词,如:bottle, bowl, pail, bucket, glass, cup, handful, spoonful, truckload,lorryload等无忧英语怎么样,都是一些表示容积的普通名词,搭配能力较强。例如:

a bottle of ink a cup of tea

a bowl of rice a handful of clay

two spoonfuls of hot water a bucket of milk a truckload of steel

a glass of beer four lorryloads of sand


这类单位词,如fit, peal, flash, display 等,通常只限于某些固定搭配。如:a fit of anger/coughing/laughter/fever

a peal of applause/laughter/thunder

a flash of hope/light/lightning

a display of courage/force/power/skill/fireworks


这类单位词包括pair, group, flock, herd, litter, swarm, bench, troupe, pack, shoal, school等,通常也只限于某些固定搭配。


a pair of shoes a school of whales

a flock of birds a group of people

a herd of elephants a bench of judges

a litter of kittens a troupe of actors


a swarm of bees a gang of hooligans

a shoal of fish a pack of hounds


1. Poultries are dear in the city.

2.The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman's speech.

2. The militias were called out to guard the borderland.

3. Such brilliant authors are really genii of our times.

4. The merchandises have arrived undamaged.

5. On hearing the death of my professor, I sent my sympathy.

6. He is relating to the children his experience as explorer.

7. The Middle Ages was a time of feudal rivalries.

8. The clipping of the hedges was usually burnt.

9. There were some looker-ons by the roadside, but

they didn't inform the police of the accident.

10.In the garden she took a lot of photography.

11.Luggages are not allowed to be left here.

