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2022-04-13 02:05:15 | 人围观 | 评论:

句型:Could you tell me how to get to somewhere . get to意思是到达。How to do something

一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加S,另外,可数名词单数时,谓语动词只能用is,复数时要加S,谓语动词用are 。不可数名词没有复数名词,谓语动词只能用is。




下一题:为什么教师节Teachers' Day而母亲节是 Mother's Day 怎么区分一撇 's 和s'一撇


母亲是单数,因为每人只有一位母亲,所以用一撇 's

下一题:表示时间的词语in 与 after,如何用,如可区别?

"in+一段时间”表示“一段时间之后,常用于一般将来时,用how soon来提问。



询间物体的长度用how long﹔表示多长。

询间距离用how far,表示多远。

询间多久会回来用how soon,表示多久。

询问频率。how often乐器英语单词大全100个,表示多久一次,

下一题:Go across 等于cross。

下一题: among在什么中间”.指三者(或三者以上的)之间:


下一题:may be 与 maybe。

May空格 be 与 maybe可相互转换:She may e angry等于Maybe she is angry.

May空格 be 与 maybe可相互转换:She may e angry等于Maybe she is angry.


下一题:辨析:in the future 与 in future

In the future将来,特指将来的某一时期; in future今后,指从现在开始的所有未来的时间,相当于from now on。



somebody need to do sth.或者 need somebody to do sth.需要某人做某事

need doing(=need to be done)需要被做例如花需要浇水:flowers needs watering

下一题:why not 后面加 动词原形 why not do something。why not 后面加 动词原形 why not do something。why not 后面加 动词原形 why not do something。

下一题:high building和tall building 都对都可以说乐器英语单词大全100个,但对于人,只能说tall。

下一题:中考在线Must I finish reading the book today , Mr Brown?----No,you needn't




肯定回答如下:yes , you must,yes you have to,yes , you should,No you needn’t. 否定回答如下No, you don’t have to.绝不能这样回答:Yes, you need,这样是错误的。因为情态动词need只用于否定句或疑问句,不用于肯定回答。

由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定常用needn'如:

—Need I answer the question?我需要回答那个问题吗?

—Yes , you must. Yes, you have to. No you needn’t.

下一题:句型Make somebody do something let somebody do do something。

下一题:walk along 有时也能用go along 来替换。两者都有沿着某条路边上一直走的意思,值的注意的是walk across意思是横穿马路

下一题:finish最为常见的搭配就是finish doing something.,完成做某事。上面的例句还可以说成:Ⅰ finish doing my homework and then go to bed。

下一题:He turns off the computer after he finishes writing the emai1。

这个句子中前后两种时态都是一般现在时,第三人称单数后动作加S,前面turns和后面finishes注意一下,也用到了finish doing 句型。

He turns off the computer after he finishes writing the email。

下一题:famous 的固定搭配有be famous for和be famous as 例如:

Beijing is famous for the Great Wal1.北京以长城而闻名。

He is famous as a writer.他以作家的身份而闻名。

下一题:like to do something和like doing something有什么区别?

1、like to do something:偶尔喜欢做某事。某一次行动中喜欢做某事。


2、like doing something:一直喜欢做某事。长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好。

下一题:would like to do something和would like doing something的区别?

1、would like doing something 表示说话者喜欢做一些事,这些事是说完话就能立刻去做的。

2、would like to do something 表示说话者喜欢做一些事,而这些事是将来做的,不一定说完就立即去做。

这些用法与like to do something和like doing something是同样道理。would like to do something用的更多更常见。以下是例句

1、She asked me what I would like to do and mentioned a particular job


2、Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity


3、When my future children go to kindergarten, I would like to do some meaningful work.


4、First, consider what you would like to do.


5、I would like to do for you what your brother did for me.


下一题:much too 后面接名词,必须是不可数名词。too much后面接形容词,例如:much too expensive太贵了。too much water太多的水

下一题:l usually stay in bed on Sunday morning.【分析】第一个空stay in bed 是固定搭配,卧床的意思,第二个空格on Sunday morning在星期天早晨,记住有day结尾的单词中用ON表示特指,没有day的话,就用in,比如 in the morning。

下一题:have fun with friends.常用短语,意思是和某人玩的很开心。

另外,enjoy oneself也是意为“玩得开心。

下一题:Tom is never late for school.【解析】句意:Tom上学从来不会迟到。be late for,迟到,固定搭配。

下一题:Would you like to play football with us? l'd like to do 【解析】Would like开头的疑问句,回答也必须是l'd like 或者l'd not like作为开头

下一题:Daming , what about going swimming this afternoon .【解析】what about 后面要接do something 因为about是介词后以后接动名词形式

下一题:do cleaning打扫卫生do some shopping买东西=go shopping。

下一题:do cooking做饭do reading


下一题:make somebody/something +形容词(或介词短语)使某人/某物怎么样,例如: make our classroom beautiful。

下一题:句型make somebody do something使某人做某事。 句型make somebody do something使某人做某事。

下一题:be kind to somebody 对某人友善。be kind to somebody 对某人友善。

下一题:try to do something尽力做某事。try doing something尝试做某事。 try to do something尽力做某事。try doing something尝试做某事。

下一题: be ready to do something , get ready to do something乐于做某事,准备好做某事。be ready to do something , get ready to do something乐于做某事,准备好做某事。

下一题:promise to do something承诺做某事,保证做某事。promise to do something承诺做某事,保证做某事。

下一题:marry 做不及物动词,意为”结婚”。做及物动词,意为”嫁,娶,与……结婚.(marry somebody.)在非正式英语中,一般用get登记 married 或be married来表示结婚这件事。这两个短语后都可接介词to,意为”和……结婚”。

下一题: enjoy后面接名词或动词ing形式。enjoy后面接名词或动词ing形式。下一题:be good at =do well in擅长。be good at =do well in擅长。be good at =do well in擅长。be good at =do well in擅长。

下一题:The cartoon Tom and Jerry win the heart of everyone all over the world. 句意:卡通片《汤姆猫和杰利鼠》嬴得了世界各地每个人的心。The cartoon Tom and Jerry win the heart of everyone all over the world.

下一题:liming is never late for school.【分析】句意是:李明上学从来不会迟到。be late for,迟到,固定搭配短语。

下一题:Daming , what about 空格swimming this afternoon .【分析】句意是︰大明,今天下午去游泳怎么样?去游泳 : go swimming , what about用来提出建议,或者征询对方意见,后跟动名词,所以空格填 going。整个句子是Daming , what about going swimming this afternoon。

下一题:This summer holiday, l am going空格a summer camp in Paris.【分析】句意是:今年暑假,我打算去巴黎夏令营。应该填go on进行。go on a summer camp去夏令营。

下一题:Tom often helps his mother空格 housework.【分析】句意是∶汤姆经常帮助他的妈妈做家务。根据短语help somebody. with something.

=help somebody.do something.= help somebody. to do something帮助某人做,所以空格填do或 to do 或with都可以。下一题:play后接乐器时乐器英语单词大全100个:七年级下册一至六单元英语常用语法识记0413整理,乐器名词前加the。接球类、棋类名词时,不加the。play后接乐器时,乐器名词前加the。接球类、棋类名词时,不加the。例如play the piano,play the violin ,play table tennis,。play football,play basketball。

下一题:the new clubs for this term这学期的新俱乐部,注意,这里for的用法。

下一题:would like =want。 would like to do something=want to do something 想要做某事would like to be=want to be,想要成为...would like something=want something 想要某物

下一题:join 加入(团体、组织),并成为其中一员join in 加入活动take part in参加加入活动(侧重发挥积极作用)attend出席会议,到场,上课等。

下一题:what about you ? =how about you ? =and you? 你呢? what about doing something ? =how about doing something? 做某事怎么样? 因为because和so 不能同时出现在一个句子。下一题:that’s all仅此而已,就这么多。

下一题:worry about =be worried about 担心... don’ t worry不用担心下一题:teach somebody something =teach something to somebody教某人某事


下一题:join 的用法。入(团体,组织,参军)的意思。 比如join the army 参军。表示和某人一起进行某活动的意思,有“连接”的意思。比如Do you want to join us?

下一题:辨析join与take part in,两者都有参加的意思,区别是什么?join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动如join us,必须join+物主代词的形式。take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、聚会、派对、劳动、游行等,是以take part in+名词形式的出现。

下一题:我想去看电影,两种表达法。 l want to go to a movie= l want to see a movie。我想去看电影,两种表达法。 l want to go to a movie= l want to see a movie。

下一题:短文阅读:A girl complained to her father about her hard life。 She didn’t know what she had to do and wanted to give up 。 She felt tired for fighting and fighting。 One problem had been finished but another came。Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen。 He poured water into three pans(锅)and boiled(煮)it。 When the water was boiling, in the first pan he put some carrots, in the second he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee。 He waited for them for a few minutes without any words。The girl closed her mouth and waited impatiently, not knowing why her father was doing that。

After about 20 minutes, her father turned off the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl。 He took out the eggs and put them in another bowl。 After that the coffee was poured into a cup。 Turning back to his daughter, he asked, "What do you see ?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee, " she answered。Her father told her to close her eyes and let her touch the carrots。 She did and felt that the carrots were soft。 After that he asked her to take the eggs and break them。 Then, she got the eggs, cooked and hard。

At last, the father asked her to smell the coffee。 "What’s the meaning, Father?" He explained that each had suffered the same unlucky experience— the boiling water, but each had a different reaction(反应)。 The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak after being in the boiling water。 The eggs became hard after being cooked。 The coffee was very special and it changed the water。 "Who are you?" asked her father, "When calamity(厄运) knocks at your door, what’s your reaction? Are you carrots, eggs, or coffee?"