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开朗乐观英语:态度决定一切!Attitude is Everything

2022-04-15 19:13:29 | 人围观 | 评论:

There are always some things in the world we can never say and explain clearly, our attitude towards life is the most important thing. Let us do our best to live in the moment and always enjoy our life.


Different people will have different attitudes, and different attitudes will lead to different life! Let us be brave and strong, keep cheerful and optimistic. Let go of everything, live one day at a time, attitude can change and determine your life.



When we feel like giving up, we should tell ourselves in our hearts. "I am not going to give up. I will use all of the strategies that I have learned to work hard. I have the ability to try again. There must be a way to solve the problems. I believe in myself and I can make it."


When we deny ourselves, we should think in our hearts. "I can't do it very well now. I'm going to train my brain in reading. I want to train my ability of reading. I have the gift for reading. It's just not enough training. Practice makes perfect and it is better to keep practicing for a while!"



When we think we are not smart enough, say it this way: "I am as smart as others. I'm going to figure out what they do and try it by myself. I want to see how other people do it. Other people are not smarter than me. By Learning some good methods and doing things carefully, I can become smarter and more successful."

当我们认为自己不够聪明时开朗乐观英语,可以这样说: “我和别人一样聪明。我要弄清楚他们是怎么做的,自己多试试。我想看看其他人是怎么做好的。其他人并不比我聪明,通过学习一些好的方法,认真做事情,我可以变得更聪明,更成功。”

When we think we have had enough, rephrase it: "It's not good enough. Is this really my best work? Is this really my best performance? Maybe with some more effort, I could improve a little more".

当我们觉得已经够可以了开朗乐观英语:态度决定一切!Attitude is Everything,换个说法: “这还不够好。这真的是我最好的工作吗? 这真的是我最好的表现吗? 也许再多一点努力,将来我就可以提高一点”。


When we think that we have done something perfect, say it again: "I can always improve. I'll keep trying! I can do better. I want to see what can be improved on this matter, as long as I keep trying and working hard, I can certainly improve in the future"!

当我们认为我们做了一件完美的事情时,再重复一遍: “我一直可以进步的。我会继续努力的! 我可以做得更好。我想看看在这个事情上还有什么可以改进的地方,只要我不断的尝试和努力,我一定可以继续提高的!”

All of the people need to have the ability to have a good attitude. I hope everyone can have a calm, positive and optimistic attitude. Life is very long and attitude is so important. Let us prepare for the worst, strive for the best. Attitude is everything!

