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2022-04-21 21:10:26 | 人围观 | 评论:

9 月过后雅思英语口语范文:2018年9-12月雅思口语新题范文:描写向亲朋好友借物的时候,新的一波雅思变题季来了,各位考生开始训练新题了吗?今年的第二部分的口语新题也出来了,还真有些比较冷门的话题。今天小站君给大家带来口语新题范文:Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family. 描述向好朋友亲人借东西的时候。考生可以参考下述范文,拓展思路。

Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family (new)

You should say:

What it was

When you borrowed it

Whom you borrowed it from


What you did with it

And why you borrowed it


In high school, I used to borrow notes from my friends. I remembered that I hated English classes at that time, and I didn't really want to take notes. I believed that I will get a good English grade through borrowing notes from my friends before final exams. Therefore, during the English class, I always go out to play basketball.



When the final exam was coming, I also borrowed English notes. When I saw these English notes, I felt very anxiety and did not understand. I didn ’ t understand many words and phrases, let alone grammatical knowledge. When I finished reading English notes, I didn't gain any new knowledge.


Borrowing notes tells me that classes are very important. Notes cannot help you learn English well, you only interaction with teachers in the class that could help you better.




Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?

First, I think some things may only be used once, and purchase will bring economic pressure. Second, some things can be recycled, such as books, basketball and so on. Many people borrow other things that have no interested. Third, borrowing things can be beneficial to environmental and avoid environmental damage.


What would you do if people don t return the money they borrowed from you?

First, I will remind him to return the money because it is a question of integrity. Second, I need to know reasons. I will consider whether to postpone the cause. Third, I told him that if there were difficulties, I would still help him.


以上就是小站君为各位考生带来的 9-12 月雅思口语变题季:描述向好朋友亲人借东西的时候。更多雅思口语话题请继续关注小站雅思频道。