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英语队伍名字 有创意:《神奇动物》中的这些人物名字竟然大有深意(双语)

2022-04-23 12:12:49 | 人围观 | 评论:



Newt Artemis Fido Scamander


Newts are a type of salamander.


Artemis is a Greek goddess of the wilderness, which dovetails nicely with Newt's interests and talents.

Artemis是希腊野外女神英语队伍名字 有创意,和纽特的兴趣和天分相契合。

"Fido" is a common name for pet dogs, and it means "faithful."


英语队伍名字 有创意

"Scamander" just sounds a lot like "salamander," and it's also the name of a minor Greek river god.



Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


"Albus" is Latin for "white," which could have some kind of symbolic explanation, but could also just refer to his beard.


"Percival" was one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. He was the original knight to search for the lost grail. Rowling could have chosen the name to refer to Dumbledore's bravery, sense of history, and inquisitiveness.


英语队伍名字 有创意

"Wulfric" is an Anglo-Saxon name that means "wolf ruler" or "wolf power." Dumbledore doesn't really have anything to do with wolves, as far as we know, so Rowling may have been nodding to Wulfric of Haselbury, a 12th-century British figure who was known as a miracle worker.

Wulfric是盎格鲁-撒克逊语,意思是“狼的领导者”或“狼的力量”。据我们所知英语队伍名字 有创意,邓布利多其实和狼没什么关系,所以罗琳也许是向哈兹布里的伍尔弗里克致敬,他是12世纪英国的一个奇迹创造者。

"Brian" is often thought to be derived from an Old Celtic word that roughly means "noble".


And finally, "Dumbledore" is an Old English word for "bumblebee." "Because Albus Dumbledore is very fond of music, I always imagined him as sort of humming to himself a lot," Rowling said in a 1999 interview."



Gellert Grindelwald


英语队伍名字 有创意

Grindelwald appeared only briefly in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," but he's going to be a huge part of the rest of the series. "Gellert" is a name with Hungarian roots that roughly means "spear," which doesn't have a clear connection to the character. But "Grindelwald" sounds like a reference to Grendel, the monster villain in the Old English epic poem "Beowulf." It's also parallel to Dumbledore's middle name "Wulfric".

格林德沃在第一部《神奇动物在哪里》中只有短短的亮相英语队伍名字 有创意,但在接下来的几部中他的戏份会很重。Gellert这一名字源于匈牙利语,意思是“矛”,和角色没有明确关联。但Grindelwald的发音和Grendel很像,格伦德尔(Grendel)是古英语史诗《贝奥武夫》中的怪物反派,而邓布利多的中间名Wulfric暗指主人公贝奥武夫。



Porpentina Goldstein


"Goldstein" is a common Jewish surname of Germanic origin and refers to people who work with gold. So it can mean "goldsmith," but also possibly "alchemist."


"Porpentina" is an archaic version of "porcupine," and could refer to the character's prickly demeanor.

Porpentina是豪猪的古英语英语队伍名字 有创意:《神奇动物》中的这些人物名字竟然大有深意(双语),指的可能是这一角色行为举止“带刺”。