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英语教练:男子坐副驾驶考驾照走红 竟是教练的恶作剧(双语)

2022-04-26 19:08:44 | 人围观 | 评论:

为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了男子坐副驾驶考驾照走红 竟是教练的恶作剧(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com


I believe that all the friends who have already completed the driver's license know that sometimes this kind of test, in addition to the usual training operation, the composition of luck can not be less! Maybe some friends are very skilled in every technique, but when they encounter a certain situation, they can't get through, sometimes they feel Not so smooth, but still over!



Subjects 1 and 4 can still be memorized by rote, and subjects 2 and 3 are very difficult to get on the train. Recently, a video of the first person who took the driver's license is online. The men taking the test boarded the train. After that, I sat very naturally in the position of the first officer to prepare for the exam, so the act of being so cute caused a hot discussion among netizens.


In the video, the man wraps around the car. After checking the outside of the car and there are no people, it is natural to open the front passenger's door and get on the car. After the first officer sits down, he adjusts the seat position. Very confident and natural to wear a seat belt.


I also wore a white glove on my left hand and looked at the camera with ease. I looked quite stance and waited for everything to be ready before I started my driving test.



After the operation of the previous set of "old driver", the man entered the fingerprint verification, the identity information was verified successfully, and the test immediately started. At this time, the man had not noticed anything wrong. But it ended at the beginning, because the voice prompts immediately after the start of the exam, "not wearing a seat belt, the exam is over, the results are not qualified."


When I heard this, the man’s natural expression instantly solidified, and he looked at it all with a sigh of relief. The man raised his head and showed a very confused expression on the camera. At this time, the staff of the examination room was also embarrassed, using the walkie-talkie to the man: "No. 54 candidates, what are you doing in the co-pilot?"

网友看了视频后都笑哭了,纷纷留言吐槽,“他可能是香港人!”英语教练:男子坐副驾驶考驾照走红 竟是教练的恶作剧(双语),“可以想象一下等下他告诉教练怎么没有考试通过的时候他教练得气成什么样子,之前我考试的时候就碰到学员考试不扣安全带挂科了教练气的快飞上天了”,“前面拿手套的动作像极了一个老司机,”“本以为是王者英语教练,原来是个青铜。”


After watching the video, the netizens laughed and cried, and they tweeted. "He may be a Hong Kong person!", "Imagine waiting for the coach to tell him why he didn't pass the exam when he passed the exam. Before I took the exam. At that time, I encountered the students who did not take the seat belts and the coaches were flying fast. "The action of holding the gloves in front is like an old driver." "I thought it was the king. It turned out to be a bronze."


Later, it was verified by the relevant media that the video was sent by the staff of Changchun Huitong Driving School on April 9th for funny shooting, not a real event.


The driver of the driving school said that he had encountered such a similar situation in the process of teaching the car, so he took this video and wanted to give a lot of netizens who need to test the driver's license. I hope they don't make this simple mistake. The car was actually a driving school coach, and everyone was amazed at the coach’s skillful acting.