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2022-04-26 23:07:42 | 人围观 | 评论:

传奇的英文版为《Fairy Tale》,但传奇的原唱不是来自《Fairy Tale》,而是来自李健英语歌曲大全超级好听100首简单,其原版歌曲名就叫《传奇》。

《Fairy Tale》是Michael Learn To Rock演唱,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本英语歌曲大全超级好听100首简单:李健个人资料(传奇英文歌曲原唱),原唱为李健。《Fairy Tale》通过使用西方的语言和演唱方式诠释国内流行音乐的优秀作品。



歌曲是中国歌曲《传奇》的英文翻唱版本为《Fairy Tale》英语歌曲大全超级好听100首简单,是Michael Learn To Rock演唱的一首歌曲,于2010年11月24日发行,发行公司为金牌大风,原唱为李健。




In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face

You only looked at me and I was yours

But when I turned around

You were nowhere to be seen

You had walked away and closed the door

When will I see you again

When will the sky stop to rain

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

Did I ever meet you in the sunshine

And when we were about a thousand years away

Did I ever hold you in the moonlight

And did we make every minute last another day

On a cold December night I gave my heart to you

And by the summer you were gone

Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim

All I have are memories and this song

When will I see you again

When will the sky stop to rain

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

Did I ever meet you in the sunshine

And when we were both a thousand years away

Did I ever hold you in the moonlight

Did we make every minute last another day

When will I see you again

When will the sky stop to rain

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
