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口红用英语怎么说:偷姐姐口红涂全脸 姐姐看了想打人(双语)

2022-04-29 11:15:57 | 人围观 | 评论:

为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了双语阅读系列之偷姐姐口红涂全脸 姐姐看了想打人(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com




最近口红用英语怎么说,一位美国妈妈拍了一段视频引起共鸣:原来口红用英语怎么说,她儿子偷走了姐姐的口红口红用英语怎么说口红用英语怎么说:偷姐姐口红涂全脸 姐姐看了想打人(双语),然后把自己的脸涂抹成了“猴屁股”,还把绿巨人、美国队长等玩具全部涂上口红。姐姐一脸愤怒的想教训弟弟,手伸到半空,她妈妈叫住了她,结果生生收回。她妈妈还打趣地说,这孩子以后会成为化妆师。


Recently, an American mother took a video to resonate: Originally, her son stole the lipstick of her sister, then smeared her face into a “monkey butt” and also painted the Hulk, Captain America, and other toys. . The elder sister looked angry and tried to teach her brother. When her hand reached the air, her mother stopped her and she recovered her life. Her mother also joked that this child will become a make-up artist in the future.


Daddy said in the side: The Hulk had watched and wanted to beat, and the teddy bear had not let go. Caused the family to laugh.