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2022-05-02 11:19:32 | 人围观 | 评论:


面试的第一步,一般都是做一个一分钟的自我介绍,根据公司不同,有时候也会要求做一分半钟、三分钟、五分钟的自我介绍;外企或与外语(课程)关联度较大的公司会要求做英语自我介绍。 不少面试者不太重视自我介绍部分,除了像调查户口似地“汇报”一下自己的姓名、专业、毕业院校/曾经的工作单位之外,就再也说不出什么能吸引面试官的内容了。其实英文自我介绍一分钟面试英语机构老师:「职场英语」如何把一分钟的面试自我介绍做得精彩,面试官需要知道的恰恰是你没有说出来的那些信息,毕竟能从简历上看到的内容,面试官都已经知道了。你要说的应该是简历中没有写出来或者没有具体写的事情。



Brainstorm your qualities and accomplishments. For an interview introduction, briefly cover your major accomplishments and qualifications, such as certifications.

仔细想想自己都有哪些特点英文自我介绍一分钟面试英语机构老师,取得过哪些成就。面试自我介绍,需要简单提及自己取得过的重大成就,以及获得的主要资质,比如某个证书。 想要在一分钟内引起面试官的兴趣,就必须一击即中。最好的方式就是展示自己过去获得过的成绩,自己有什么样的能力,从而可以为公司带来什么样好处。切记,公司不是慈善机构,不会因为你快交不起房租了,上有老下有小就雇佣你,公司要看的是你能创造多大的价值和利益。


Choose a personal anecdote that illustrates your personality in a creative way. Employers want to hear about your accomplishments, and a personalized story helps you stand out. The story should take about 20 seconds to complete.

用有趣的方式讲一个能体现个人特点的故事。雇主想要听的是你取得的成绩,个性化的故事能帮助你脱颖而出。个人故事的时间最好控制在20秒内。 讲故事是让你区别于其他求职者的好方法,故事的主题最好就是你在第一步中确定的自己的优势。但你的故事必须要和应聘公司的企业文化、应聘的职位相关,这就是所谓的投其所好。你还要在故事中再一次突出你的强项:领导能力、沟通能力、学习能力、开拓能力等等。记住,你的故事一定是你最想让面试官记住的内容,一定是对应聘公司有利的事情,一定是你最得意的成绩。


Practice your speech with a timer to make sure it is less than a minute. Read it to family and friends and solicit suggestions. Record and review your speech using a video camera. Pay attention to your mannerisms and projection of your voice. Smile and speak clearly.

做一次计时的面试自我介绍演练,确保你的讲话不会超过1分钟。向你的家人朋友做一次模拟练习,并收集反馈意见。用摄像机拍下你做面试自我介绍的过程,注意自己讲话是不是够礼貌,说话的声音是不是合适。记得微笑,还要吐字清晰。 事先演练最大的作用其实是观察自己的身体语言。有研究显示,在日常沟通中,非语言性的表达占了七成。因此在一分钟的面试自我介绍里,你需要观察自己是否在说话时会有些不合适的小动作,比如撸头发,推镜架,摸下巴等等。这些小动作不仅会让你看起来不专业,而且会分散听众的注意力。在面试自我介绍中,比较恰当的身体语言是坐正,身体略向前倾,双臂自然垂下或放在桌面上,正视面试官,面带微笑,吐字清晰地完成自我介绍的内容。


H: Hey guys, this is Harris, for me, after working in factories for years, mostly focus on customer relationship, I started to work on English speaking education 7 years ago. Speaking is a way of mind expression. We need to show the true color of ourselves. Hope we could bring you some practical ideas for your daily speaking.


F: The topic just mentioned is" Tell me about yourself ". Actually this is a frequently asked question during interview.

刚才主要说的是Tell me about yourself——聊聊你自己,谈谈你自己,这个在面试中常问的问题。

F: Hi Daxiu, you have been an engineer for many years, so I guess you must have attended many interviews, right? Do you have any suggestions about it?


D: Well, personally opinion, self-confidence and job relative skills are the most important points. And you should pay more attention on the work itself. I think this should always keep in mind.


H: I totally agree with you, some candidate they misunderstood this topics, then go on and on about their own hobbies and interests, even dreams in the future. It's kind of tedious right?


H: But honestly, how to make it better without sounding too much as a canned speech? Those guys behind the desks should really annoyed with prepped talk, right?


F: Well, if you ask me, I'd say the key is to be yourself. This is really important no matter for an interview or daily communications to the others. Don't be affected which means DON'T OVERDO IT. Do it in a nature way. If the interviewers ask about your interests and hobbies, you can share to them. But, keep it brief cuz instead of your other interests and hobbies, I think what the interviewers really care about are your job-related experiences and how qualified you are for the position.You can also mention about how much you like the job and why you want to apply for it.


F: Daxiu,what do you think? Will it be too simple to answer in this way?


D: Not really, answer in this way could be easier to start with the conversation. Actually, many of the “interview tips” saying in a very complex way, but in the real world, the “tips” are too hard to use. Indeed, the common philosophy thoughts of “Who I am, where I from, where should I go” accord with the European countries ways of thinking.


H: Wow, that make sense! Thank you for sharing Daxiu, that's a spirit of engineering by putting details under scrutiny. For you, Flora, any tips on showing one's proficiency nicely?

好吧。谢谢大秀分享,不愧为工程师,心思还是比较慎密的。那这边Flora 有没有一些好的表达可以体现自己的专业性的好的表达可以介绍一下呢?

F: I think leaders in a company always like those who love his job. In fact, I believe most people are looking for jobs that meet their interests. So, it sounds great if you combine your work with your personal interests. If so, you can say, I'm really into the XX industry with years of relevant experience.

For example,

I'm really into the fashion industry with years of relevant experience.

I'm really into the retail industry with years of relevant experience.

I'm really into the IT industry with years of relevant experience.


例如:I'm really into the........ industry, with years of relevant experience.

D: 我也来试一下:I'm really into the automobile industry, with years of relevant experience.

F: Yeah,I'm really into the trading industry, with years of relevant experience.

H: Great, I'm really into the trading industry, with years of relevant experience.

H: What a nice way! So, we've learned how to take the interview through delightful, and sincere attitude. What recruiters really want is know your true intention and thought.Don’t even bother to cram yourself with all those so called fancy expression!


Thank you for listening. By the way, if you are interested in IELTS speaking lesson, please scan my code beneath.



F: 如果你对外贸感兴趣,小编可以推荐你们去这里免费领取一节试听课程哦,点击“了解更多”即可领取。