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大象英语怎么写:Elephant says S Korean words大象用鼻子'说'韩语(

2022-05-06 02:09:37 | 人围观 | 评论:

大象用鼻子'说'韩语(图)' />

Elephant says S Korean words


An Asian elephant from the Everland Zoo in South Korea can pronounce words in Korean with his trunk (see photo), according to a research team from the University of Vienna in Austria, Chosun Ilbo reported. The elephant started to "speak" like a human in 2006 and is able to accurately pronounce 5 words: hello, no, sit down, lie down and good. It's inferred that the elephant places the tip of his trunk into his mouth to imitate a human voice. The team believes he is using these vocalizations to strengthen social bonds with his human companions, without any comprehension of the words.





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