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2022-05-09 16:15:40 | 人围观 | 评论:


The official announcement of Speaking Naturally


Can Chinese people speak English well?From ‘CRAZY English’ to ‘FLUENT English’,this conundrum has been a ‘hangover’ for three decades.


English learning has become the engine of career development

在微信朋友圈英语流利说好贵:中国人能说好英语吗?,全民皆打卡,你也不例外。“On Wechat Moments, nearly everyone posts and probably you are one of those posters.


‘Posting out’ doesn’t mean you have mastered ‘speaking out’, but it’s a comfort to know you’re not left behind in the sea of others’ comments.

真正测试到来了—当你面对外国客户(例如在商务环境中)。似乎哪里都不对了,无论是发音、词汇或语法。感觉焦虑,说不出口。The real test comes when you have to face foreign clients in (for example) a business environment. Seemingly everything goes wrong in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Feeling the anxiety, you can hardly speak out.


You ask yourself, ‘why do I lack confidence?’ The efforts you’ve been putting in every day, don’t seem to be paying off.


English learning has become the Filter when socializing


Do you want to stay in a small circle of life, or do you want to develop your career attending upscale conferences , joining road shows, stepping fearlessly into English corners or partying with friends?

You wonder how to express yourself appropriately depending on those different occasions


English learning has become the financial burden of millions of Chinese families


Statistics, reveal the average spending per family on English training is 10000 Yuan each year. That prompts the question: Is it Really Worth that?

我们的问题也许终结了!发音教练—前CCTV News(央视英语频道) 主持人—

Edwin Maher(艾德温.马尔)和他的团队,即将为你推出#英语自然说#系列学习节目。

Our troubles may be over! Voice coach and former CCTV News anchor, Edwin Maher and his team are about to launch Speaking Naturally for YOU.


Here’s a question: Does the ability to speak English well depend on nature or nurture?


We believe every Chinese who tries, devoting time and energy, can speak English well !


We can’t avoid the fact that our mother tongue is not English and that we all have accents. However, with a belief in ourselves, a determination to succeed, and a commitment to practice every day, we can Speak (English) Naturally.


There’s NO EXPRESS WAY - diligence is the ONLY WAY.


Interact with each other


Different from other learning products, Speaking Naturally is a process of recreation and education based on the needs of our audience .


Speaking Naturally allows you to share your learning experiences with others through comments on our Weibo platform.


Education is not in conflict with Entertainment.

Education not only informs, but entertains.

Speaking Naturally is to have fun along the way.



Again, we truly believe that every Chinese person who tries, can speak English Naturally in their own way, unhindered by accent!Maybe YOU will become the Host in the next season of Speaking Naturally!

