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我是杰森英语怎么写:“闭嘴”可不只是 shut up! 还有一些常用的!

2022-05-12 06:17:34 | 人围观 | 评论:

你知道闭嘴除了“shut up”,还有什么说法吗?实际上外国人并不总是用“shut up”,今天小编给大家说说哪些地道短语可以表示闭嘴吧~

1put a sock in it (英式英语)

I've had enough of your moaning for one day. Why don't you put a sock in it?


注:有时候你也会听到“put a cork in it”,意思是一样的。

2cork it

"Shhh, cork it and listen to him."


注:“put a cork in it”更常用。

3button it

"Button it, ok. I'm trying to think!"


4shut your pie hole/shut your cake hole

"Just shut your pie hole, man."



有人说 pie hole 多用于美式口语,其实现在pie hole, cake hole 在英式美式中都很广泛应用我是杰森英语怎么写,比如典型的英式电影《帕丁顿熊》里的老奶奶就是用“Shut your pie hole”我是杰森英语怎么写:“闭嘴”可不只是 shut up! 还有一些常用的!,老师也更喜欢用pie hole哦,这个说起来比 cake hole 更口语化。

5zip your lips/ zip it

I've heard enough of your nonsense, mate. Now zip it!


5wind your neck in

"Why don't you just wind your neck in for once and listen to what I have to say?"


7simmer down

Ok, children. I need you all to simmer down and listen to Jason's story.



8pipe down

"Come on, everyone. Pipe down or else you will all get detention!"

