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2022-05-19 03:08:47 | 人围观 | 评论:


A) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。

41. You can take a (close) look at the excellent drawings if you walk nearer.

42. Seven __________(twelve) of the students have taken part in the tree-planting activity since Monday.

43. In the end, the little boy (success) in climbing to the top of the mountain.

44. Whenever we go traveling, our own __________(safe) must come first.


45. Does it (要紧)if I don’t take my ID card with me?

46. Look at the two boys.They look (完全地)the same.

47. At that time there was a major land bridge (连接) Britain to mainland Europe.

48. After several(过失), he finally realized his dream.

B) 用括号内所给 动词的正确形式填空(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)

49. Though this is the fir st time for them to visit Shanghai, the couple _________(fall) in love with the fantastic place deeply.

50. It is reported that it is going to rain, so you’d better I think _________ (not go) for a picnic tomorrow.

51. Humans (pollute) the earth all the time and there is not enough clean air and water.

52. The dishes _________(lay) on the table as soon as they’re prepared.

53. Luckily no one was hurt, but the smoke from the fire ________(rise) straightly up in the air.

C) 根据句意,用括号内所绐单词的适当形式填空。

71.1t’s difficult to be (friend) with everyone.

72. Be quiet! The patients ______( sleep).

73. The boy got the_____ ( one) place in the singing competition.

74. The girl expected all her classmates _____( come) to her party.

75. I promise I _____ ( send) you an email to explain all of these tomorrow.

76. He was driving as ______( fast) as possible.

77. The red umbrella doesn’ t belong to me—it’ s______(she).

78. English ______( speak) all over the world.

79. We all need a ______(health) environment.

80. You_______( grow) since the last time I saw you.


43. Bell was one of the greatest (invent) in the world.

44. This area used to be _____________ because of air pollution. (fog)

45. He often .(study) with his friends in the library after class.

46. Simon was very excited when he was _________ to be the host of the charity show. (choose)

47. Never give up _ _ (easy) ifyou want to have success at school.


51. Please open the wand let some fresh air in.

52. The kind boy was happy to shis food with the hungry man.

53. To keep healthy, you should do sports and have a balanced d.

54. Ncross the road when the traffic light is red.

55. By reading 30 minutes a day, you can learn more words and iyour writing.

56. The students are very h. They clean houses for the old people every weekend.


66. John’s family came back to the USA last ________ (九月).

67. Those ________ (德国人) wanted to have fish for dinner.

68. The doctor did what he could ________ (save) the patient’s life.

69. _______ (luck), the man hurt badly in the accident.

70. Sandy’s grandparents ________ (marry) for 50 years.

71. If you want to make yourself ________ (understand), you’d better speak clearly and slowly.

72. —Tom has invented a tree-planting machine.

—I think no one is ________ (create) than him. He’s a boy full of strange ideas.

73. Teenagers should ________ (encourage) to solve their problems by themselves.

74. —Where did you find Miss Gao just now?

—In the office, she ________ (talk) with other teachers at that time.


38. ▲ (最后), I would like to thank you all for coming here today.

39. In Switzerland, some of the old clothes are ▲ (卖) in charity shops.

40. Life is like a race. I’m ready to take on new ▲ (挑战) any time.

41. Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China ▲ (依靠) on you

42. My grandma always tells me ▲ (没有什么)is more important than health.

43. It took him much longer - hundreds of ▲ (额外的)hours to improve his skills.

44. Juice is to drink as pork is to ▲ .

45. —Can I have some more sweets?

—OK, but eating too much sugar can ▲ to tooth problems.

46. —Why are you all wet?

—It’s ▲ heavily. I forgot to take my umbrella

47. —Do you still take the bus to school?

—No. Now I can come to school by underground ▲ of by bus.


26. What can we do to cut down air______/pəˈlu:ʃn/?

27. I’ve got a really bad______/ˈhedeik/ and I want to have a rest.

28. My English _____/ˈlevl/ has greatly improved with my teacher’s help.

29. Junko Tabei _____/səkˈsi:d/ reaching the top of Qomolangma in 1975.

30. Is the bridge strong enough to_____/səˈpɔ:t/ two heavy trucks at the same time?

31. You’ll have more job ____/ˈtʃɑ:nsiz/ if you can speak a foreign language.

32. Li Ming has been ______/ˈæbsənt/ from class three times this week.

33. A classmate of mine was _____/ˈpʌnɪʃt/for breaking the school rules


66.After a long day, Tom ______(lie) down on the bed and went to sleep.

67.The train was ________ (拥挤) with passengers, so we had to stand.

68.A square has four sides and four c_________.

69.December is the t_______ and last month of the year.

70.Jack has learned more about teamwork s_______ he joined the soccer team.

71.Their house is just like our house, but ______(we) has a bigger balcony.

72.We’re supposed _________ (传播) positive energy everywhere we go.

73.Lin Tao was brave e________ to save his neighbor from a fire .

74.YuanLongping is one of the _______(great) scientists that have ever lived, I think.

75.Eating too much salt __________(增加) the risk of high blood pressure.


91.Heroes are people who we a________ (仰慕) very much.

92.The famous movie star, Huang Xiaoming m________ (娶) Angelababy last year.

93.You should choose w________ (明智的) to leave here at once.

94.Everyone comes here e________ (除了) Alan. She has a cold.

95.Could you tell me some s________ (秘密) to learn a foreign

L)Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. Only one word for each blank.

36. I told Maria a story __________ (call) Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.

37. When Amy got home, she found her key __________ (lose).

38. Smoking is ________(good) for our health, so we should keep away from cigarettes.

39. If you want to lose __________ (weigh), you can eat less and exercise more.

40. Don’t be nervous, children. Try your best and you’ll pass the exam ___________(easy).

41. Though the little boy is only three years old, he can dress __________ (he).

42. —Who jumps __________ (far), Mike or George ?

—Mike does.

43. When we walk __________ (cross) the road, we should follow the traffic rules.

44. Bill wants to invite some friends to his __________(nine) birthday party.

45. —Have you finished cleaning your room, Jim?

—Yes. I ________ (finish) it ten minutes ago.


A: 41. closer 42. twelfths 43. succeeded 44.safety

B: 45.matter pletely 47.connecting 48.misses

C: 49.have fallen 50.not go 51.are polluting 52.will be laid 53.rose

D: 71. friends/ friendly 72. are sleeping 73. first 74. to come

75. will send/am going to send 76. fast 77. hers 78. is spoken

79. healthy 80. have grown

E: 43.invertions 44.foggy 45.studies 46. chosen 47. easily

F: 51. Window 52. Share 53. Diet 54. Never 55. Improve 56. helpful

G: 66. September 67. Germans 68. to save 69. Unluckily 70. have been married

71. understood 72. more creative 73. be encouraged 74. was talking

H: 38. Finally 39. sold 40. challenges 41. depends 42. nothing

43. extra 44. meat 45. lead 46. raining 47. instead

I: 26. pollution 27. headache 28. level 29. succeeded 30. support

31. chances 32. absent 33. punished

J: 无答案

K: 91. admire 92 . married 93. wisely 94. except 95. secrets

L: 36. called 37.lost 38. bad 39. weight 40. easily

41. himself 42.farther 43. across 44. ninth 45.finished