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2022-05-19 08:51:20 | 人围观 | 评论:

托福听力考试可以说是让中国学生最头痛的一个环节,成千上万的关键信息点,语速超快的 conversation 往往让同学们摸不着头脑。









你是否也有上述的症状呢?如果有的话托福英语听力训练,花3分钟读完这篇文章,可以帮你少走一些弯路!为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福听力真题及答案解析,SATPEDIA教书匠阿伦团队为大家带来托福听力真题解析: 厚涂颜料的绘画法的精讲以及听力笔记的讲解。


这篇讲座举例提到梵高(Van Gogh),他是最早使用impasto的画家之一,小黑板出现了一幅画托福英语听力训练,我们欣赏一下。

托福听力真题解析: 厚涂颜料的绘画法


“Van Gogh, the 19th century postimpressionist, was one of the first painters to use impasto in this way. Here is an example. In his painting of cypress trees. Notice the textures, the peaks and valleys created by the thick paint. By using impasto in this way, van Gogh communicated the shimmering movement in the trees and the sky. As viewers, we can almost feel the breeze blowing on that day.”



1.What is the lecture mainly about?

(A)The different skills between impasto and oil painting

(B)The effects of impasto techniques that artists can achieve

(C)Reasons why the impasto texture remains experimental

(D)Changes over time in the way impasto characteristics are created

2. Why does the professor mention icing on a cake?

(A)To stress how easy it is to use the impasto technique

(B)To claim that impasto involves the application of thin layers of paint

(C)To make it clear that impasto should have a flat surface

(D)To describe the type of appearance that impasto gives to a painting

3.According to the professor, why did fifteenth-century painters used impasto techniques?

(A)To ensure that colors would not fade

(B)To create deep, mysterious shadows in a painting

(C)To give the sense that objects in a painting were reflecting light

(D)To show the illusion of distance on a landscape painting

4. Why does the professor show a painting by Van Gogh?

(A)To explain that he is the first artist who created the impasto technique

(B)To illustrate that he used impasto to convey motion in his work

(C)To show the effects of a thin layer of impasto

(D)To suggest that impasto is more effective in landscapes than in portraits

5.According to the professor, why do some painters use impasto techniques today?

(A)They have more options of tools to use than artists did in the past.

(B)They want viewers to focus on the surface of a painting.

(C)They are interested in changing painting styles of the past.

(D)Their works with impasto are more precise than the works done in the past.

6. What two keys to using the impasto technique does the professor talk about? Click on 2 answers.

(A) Applying a large amount of paint to a canvas

(B) Pressing one layer of paint firmly into a canvas, then spreading more paint over the bottom layer

(C) Paint over the bottom layer

(D) Applying paint to a canvas and then scrubbing it into the canvas p

(E) Manipulating the paint with quick movements

托福听力真题解析: 厚涂颜料的绘画法

Listen to part of a lecture in a studio art class.

1. Today we're going to continue with oil painting, but in different styles, you haven't experienced.

在讲什么: 听力层面说要继续讲oil painting different styles。逻辑层面出现表示并列的styles。

下文预判:后文可能并列展开,也可能聚焦一个 style。


2. From now on, we're going to learn about several different techniques, beginning with impasto.

在讲什么: 听力层面要讲几个techniques(等于上一句的styles), 先讲impasto(厚涂法)。逻辑层面出现表示并列的 techniques。

下文预判:会先讲关于 impasto这种方法的定义、特点等有可能会出现第二个 technique。注意: 文章是只讨论 impasto还是也讨论其他 techniques,要听后文才知道,所以目前尚无法判断真正的中心句。

是否要记:是否记“impasto”视个人情况而定。因为后文会紧跟着解释 impasto,听力水平一般的考生一旦记 impasto,很可能会影响后续内容的理解。另外, impasto至少在接下来的一整段里都会讲解,可以在后面边听边记。

3. Basically, impasto is a thick application of pigment that makes no attempt to look smooth.

4. Instead, brush and palette knife marks are visible on the finished painting.

在讲什么:听力层面讲impasto这种方法的定义。它会用很多 pigment(颜料),画完之后的效果不平,画笔、美工刀的痕迹很明显。提炼简化后的意思就是:颜料多、不平。

上文关联:概念+解释,出现 impasto就要给考生解释是什么。

是否要记:是否记“thick”和“not smooth”的关主要信息视个人情况而定。水平一般则注重理解。

5. Now, in general, when you work with oil, what you do is just apply one color over another and let the paint squish onto the canvas.

6. And the painting surface remains quite flat.

在讲什么:听力层面讲画油画时通常一层层颜料覆上去、 squish(压扁)在画布上,画的表面是很平的。提炼简化后的意思就是采用正常画法的油画很平。逻辑层面:注意in general表示让步转折。

上文关联:和 impasto进行对比。


7. But, with impasto, mostly it involves loading up your brush or painter's knife with more paint than you'd normally need.

8. Then the three-dimensional paint appears to be coming out of the canvas.

在讲什么:听力层面:总结重复 impasto的特点就是用的颜料多、画面是3D(也就是不平)的。逻辑层面:but并非引出重要的新观点,而是重复第3~4句的内容。




9. It’s sort of like...icing that covers a cake.

10. Actually, when I saw a series of paintings done this way, they were so convincing they looked good enough to eat.

在讲什么: 举了蛋糕上的 icing(糖霜)的例子托福英语听力训练:看完这篇艺术类真题解析:3分钟带你提升托福听力记笔记能,意思是糖霜效果很逼真,让人看上去就想吃。

上文关联: 例子证明中心,更具体说明不平3D的样子或效果。

是否要记: 可记“eg.cake”或“eg. icing”。

总结来说,本段的中心句是在讲 impasto的特点,教授用了两种论证方式来证明:和通常的画法对比;举 icing on cake的例子。


Why does the professor mention icing on a cake?

(A)To stress how easy it is to use the impasto technique

(B)To claim that impasto involves the application of thin layers of paint

(C)To make it clear that impasto should have a flat surface

(D)To describe the type of appearance that impasto gives to a painting


D是正确选项,可翻译为“描述impasto能够赋予画的外观的类型”。意思就是 impasto会让画变得不平(平或不平都属于appearance)。考查cake这一举例展开证明了 impsto特征这一段落中心。


B选项可翻 impasto译为“说明用的颜料少”。选项设置的出发点是部分考生听力实力不到位,会把 thick听成thin托福英语听力训练,导致误选B选项。

C选项可翻译 impasto为“表明采用画法的画表面应该是平的”,是典型的原词选项。选项设置的出发点是部分考生听力实力不到位,听到 flatsurface原词会误选C

