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2022-06-01 01:10:59 | 人围观 | 评论:

讲好中国故事,传播中国文化在线英语朗读器免费,弘扬中国精神。 我是紫月,一个身在异国他乡,常常思念祖国的中国人,我愿以:中文,英文,法文,荷兰文多语种朗读的方式,说中国红歌以及经典歌曲,传承经典,与大家一起向世界讲好咱们中国故事。



天耀中华 中文英文对照文稿:

How lucky I am to have been born in your embrace.


My blood is flowing with your magic and beauty.


Such great concern, such warm memories, your kindness that moves heaven and earth.

那仁慈的情义 那温暖的回忆 你对我的恩泽感动天和地

I have never abandoned you because hope is always in my heart.

从来不曾放弃你 因为希望埋在心底

The courage to pursue freedom has been there since the start.

追寻自由的勇气 多少年云涌风起

In the good times I’ve not forgotten you and in the bad I’ve always championed you.

幸福时没忘记 痛苦中举着你

My soul and yours breathe with one breath.


Glorious China, Glorious China, no hardship can break you, in trials you blossom.

天耀中华 天耀中华 风雨压不垮 苦难中开花

I pray for you, glorious China, may you prosper in peace forever.

真心祈祷 天耀中华 愿你平安昌盛生生不息

I am you and you are me, your dignity is the source of my pride.

你就是我 我是你 你的尊严我的荣誉

The road ahead may be rugged, but together we can achieve our dream.

踏平那前路崎岖 为梦想和衷共济

Hearing the ocean tide, seeing the clouds above the mountain, our hearts take wings and fly.

听大海的潮汐 看高山的云起 我们用心凝聚飞翔的羽翼

Glorious China, Glorious China, no hardship can break you, in trials you blossom.

天耀中华 天耀中华 风雨压不垮 苦难中开花

I pray for you, glorious China, may you prosper in peace forever.

真心祈祷 天耀中华 愿你平安昌盛生生不息

Glorious China, Glorious China, beneath the clouds glory spreads far and wide.

天耀中华 天耀中华 祥云飘四方 荣耀传天下

I pray for you, glorious China, may you prosper in peace forever.

真心祈祷 天耀中华 愿你平安昌盛 生生不息

I pray for you, glorious China, this is my deepest expression to you.

真心祈祷 天耀中华 这是我对你最深沉的表达


