2022-06-03 07:11:05 | 人围观 | 评论:
“试一试”的英语一下就会想到“have a try”,这个当然没问题多说英语,不过今天要为您介绍另外几种更常用的英语表达。
have a try, 好传统的表达……
1. Try something (这个是最常用的)
You should try surfing.
2. Give it a try 或 give it a go
Your acting sucks, are you sure you want to give it another try?
I don’t think I’ll be good at surfing, but I’ll have a go.
3. Try your luck (当机会渺茫,不抱太大希望时使用)
You can try your luck, but I’m not sure you’ll succeed.
此外多说英语,以前的文章中说过,”等等我”的英文不是“wait me”,而是wait FOR me。以此类推,“回复我”的英文也不是“reply me”多说英语:“试一试”、"回复我"的地道英语怎么说?,而是 reply TO me。例句:I’ll reply to every single comment on this video. 很多情况下可以更简洁多说英语,直接省略掉“to me/you”。如: I’ll reply (to you) on Monday.
reply to me, 重要的事情多说几次
1. Come back to someone
Can you come back to me by close tomorrow? 你明天下班前能回复到我吗?
2. Respond to someone
I don’t know if I should respond.
3. Answer
I never know what to answer, when people ask me.
4. Let me/you know
I’ll let you know by the end of the week.