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2022-06-08 02:07:51 | 人围观 | 评论:

2023考研科目中新东方考研英语多少钱,很多考生认为外语难度比较大 ,尤其是在题型方面体现的较为明显。为了方便大家更有效的准备考研英语中的翻译题型,下面新东方小编为大家整理了“2023考研英语翻译方法:难句研究”,希望能给大家提供一些帮助。


There is a marked difference between the education which everyone gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young.


Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?

His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.

I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.


But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.

5)They argue that an isolated DNA molecule “is no less a product of nature than are cotton fibers that have been separated from cotton seeds.”



This could be no more than a passing literary craze, but it also points to a broader truth about how we now approach the past.

Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.
