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用英语写同桌的作文:马上大考 这种英语写作法帮助考生得高分之希望光芒会照亮心中理想

2022-06-10 20:17:49 | 人围观 | 评论:




Life is enormously valuable to a person. This would enable him/her to see vehicle drivers pleasantly set off and return home safely. That means road safety is essential to their happiness或Life is enormously valuable to a person,enabling him/her to see vehicle drivers pleasantly set off and return home safely. That means road safety is essential to their happiness(由于生命对人是珍贵的用英语写同桌的作文,这样大家可乐见驾驶员安全行车,平安回家。因此道路安全对他们的幸福绝对是必要的。)


㈠把提示句“安全行车,平安回家”(大家可乐见驾驶员安全行车,平安回家)写为英文是:You would see vehicle drivers pleasantly set off and return home safely.

㈡写出上述提示句的原因句(生命对人是珍贵的)英文是:Life becomes enormously valuable to a person.

㈢写出上述提示句的结果句(道路安全对他们的幸福绝对是必要的)英文是:Road safety is essential to a person’s happiness.





㈠以“向英雄学习(Learn from the Hero)”为题,写作英语文如下:

I would like to learn from the hero called Lin Hao a 9-year-old boy student, who offered an extremely valuable help to people in a disaster to happen to them.

The disaster arose out of the earthquake that hit all people in Wen Chuan of Sichuan province, China, on May 12, 2008 when some of their greatly valuable lives were to lose unavoidably.

His action made him lovely respected in my mind. This brings me to consider him as being one of young heroes.

Having saved two classmates of his in danger of the earthquake, without fear of death, Lin Hao spent the about 7-hour time in having a walk taken from dangerous area to safety one. So greatly does he do a job that he is setting an excellent example to people who are encouraged to be moved deeply by his making up his mind of never giving up saving one’s life quickly. It helps them have nothing difficulties not to be overcome successfully in life or at work. This, I must learn from Lin Hao as one of brave heroes in my heart.


1.大意:汶川地震(Wen chuan Earthquake)发生后,九岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行七个小时到达安全地点。

2.提示词:a student, nine years old, happen, save, walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up

3.要求两方面:⑴就林浩同学的事迹,请你以“Learn from the Hero”为题,给你校英语专刊投稿用英语写同桌的作文:马上大考 这种英语写作法帮助考生得高分之希望光芒会照亮心中理想,包括内容三点①林浩同学事迹简介、②你对这件事情的感受、③及你要向他学习什么;⑵写出的短文要意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词。

上述的第一篇英语作文《向英雄学习》是依据英语思维逻辑写作,没有大量出现形式架构上“凑数”的词和句“堆积”虚的模板套作痕迹词语(如:firstly, secondly, because,so,for example, really speaking, therefore, the reason why+句子~~等)。


㈡以“如何看待中国传统文化”(What do you think of Chinese-tradition culture?)”为题,写作英语文如下:

Dear editor,

I LI Hua as one of readers write you a letter sending you a article on such a“What do you think of Chinese-tradition culture?”topic as you asked for their comment. So greatly does it turn people favorable for protecting a variety of traditionally Chinese culture that a reader I will be one of its inheritors generation by generation.

This viewpoint I would make known to you as well as all-China people. By that I am benefiting a lot, in the belief that they shall work hard at doing everything they could, in making China great again throughout a little more than 5000-year history and helping China grow stronger days to come in future.

As shown by this, people are expected to join a highly-cultured activity in protecting traditional culture of China to develop culturally or mentally or intellectually.

Yours, Li Hua


假定你是李华。最近China Daily(中国日报)就“如何看待中国传统文化”面向社会征稿。请你用英语给编辑写一封信,谈谈你自己的想法。要点如下:(1)表明自己的立场(传统文化应该得到保护和传承);(2)给出你的理由;(3)呼吁社会共同参与。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:传承 inherit

㈢以“要当一名英语写作老师(To be an English-writing teacher)”为题,写作英语文如下:

“To be an English-writing teacher”


Making quite a few students understood correctly in English, I would want to be an English-writing teacher to help them with logic-based knowledge about doing English composition.

That will turn them favorable for putting English into practice in future. This shows I shall teach students to learn how to write in English well by logic-based way, not model-based one. In this, it is nice of me to help them write an English composition.

By this, they would be inspired to make it successful to air their voices in doing an economic and cultural exchange with foreign cooperators in the coming days, in my view.

This, I enjoy teaching them to do sincerely, enabling them to keep in mind what and how to write, in English, on a topic. That gets it easy to stop them from copying a“model”to do an English composition. They are expected to reach a goal that is set high for them to communicate with foreign cooperators successfully.

This remains true with expression perfectly for English satisfactory to the English-writing learners, whose ideas are to put clearly in English and whose letters or E-mail are to write in English by logic-based way to foreign companies having kind cooperation developed friendly on economic-trade and cultural-education exchange.

In doing this, English-writing learners will find it necessary to follow the logic-based way. This is considered of practically valuable use in helping them with the English compositions that could prove great in quality and high in efficiency to bring them to develop new ideas. They are of course interesting to learners who are encouraged to do above English compositions excellently.

上述的英语作文“要当一名英语写作老师(To be an English-writing teacher)”英语写作导出的中文如下:




大考考生只要看懂了本文开头的“英语思维逻辑写作原理是如何构成及其以此写出英语作文”,一定能解决“英语作文没词儿写,有词儿也不知怎么写”的问题,所以达到了——马上大考 这种英语写作法帮助考生得高分之希望光芒会照亮大考考生心中的理想之中——之目的了!