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在线英语听力室新概念英语第三册:英语英译英阅读:《新概念第三册》L1 The hunt proved diffi

2022-06-27 21:12:10 | 人围观 | 评论:

英语英译英阅读:《新概念第三册》 L1 The hunt proved difficult



The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.



1) The search proved difficult

只就“英语阅读”而言在线英语听力室新概念英语第三册,“最失败”的阅读莫过于只会把英语the search for“读成”、也只会“读成”中文“搜寻”。可是遗憾的是,“读”到我这篇阅读训练的人,有几个“不是这么读的”?而且还深信:这就是“英语阅读”,“中文都不懂,又如何懂英语”?

还记得前文读到的这句话吗?The hunt for the puma began in a small village

1. Okay.I see.Okay.I see.If we look for someone or something,we can say We serrch for them.We can also say We hunt for them.So,To search for means To hunt for ,To look for.


能把英语“读到”这个份上,还有什么必要“依赖”中文翻译。最可怕的“英语阅读”就是“读到”search for时根本想不起,也不会说hunt for,不会用hunt for理解search for


2. If something proves (to be) easy,difficult,interesting,boring,we can also say Something is easy,difficult,interesting,boring,etc.


2) for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.


1.If we observe something or someone,we see them,we spot them(前文出现过),we notice them.

2. So,for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning means for the puma was often seen,or noticed at one place in the morning

Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.


最可怕的是把本来好端端的《新概念英语》活生生“学”成中国害死人的英语应试教育的“补充”和“延伸”,结果又“轮回”到就算万劫不复也学不透学不完的用中文“学语法”在线英语听力室新概念英语第三册:英语英译英阅读:《新概念第三册》L1 The hunt proved diffi,“分析语法”,“长难句分析和翻译”,活生生被英语应试教育给“玩傻”,“玩残”,结果还一无所获。