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旅行常用英语口语300句学习(九) 杀价、付款

2022-08-08 11:19:25 | 人围观 | 评论:


246.It's a bargain.现已很廉价啦。

247.Don't try to rip me off.别想宰我。

248.Is there any discount?有没有扣头?

249.Sorry, no bargain.不好心思,不讲价。

250.It's a little overpriced.这标价有点贵。

251.Give me a break on this.你就让点儿价吧。

252.That's steep, isn't it? 这代



you give me this for cheaper? 能廉价一点给我吗?

254.What's the lowest you're willing to go? 最低你能出啥价?

255.Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?

256.I've seen this cheaper (in) other places.我在别家有看过更廉价的。

257.That's unreasonable! I'd take it for 50 yuan.这真是卖得太贵了!假定50块我就买。

258.We are having a sale now.咱们正在打折。

259.The price of these two is the same.这两个价格相同。

260.Is this the sale price? 这是特价后的价格吗?

261.Where do I pay?在哪里付账?

262.Where is the cashier?收银台在哪里?

263.I will handle this.How much is it?我要这个,多少钱?

264.Is this item tax free?这个是免税的吗?

265.Does the price include tax?这个价格含税吗?

266.Can I get a tax refund for this?这个可以退税吗?

267.How much do I have to spend to get the tax refund?我要买多少才干退税?

268.I'll get right on it.我这就把它们装起来。

269.Do you accept Renminbi (RMB)?你们收公民币吗?

270.It's a charge for


271.Could you make out an invoice for me?你能给我倒闭发票吗?

272.Could you please help me pack them up?能帮我把这些装起来吗?

273.I wonder if I can pay by credit card.请问我可以用诺言卡付账吗?

274.How do you pay for your coffee? Is it with cash?你怎么付钱?用现金吗?

275.Can you charge the rest to my credit card?剩下的钱,能从我的诺言卡里付出吗?




