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2022-08-08 21:20:37 | 人围观 | 评论:








1. 学习英语的时分,必定要学习一个无缺的语句,不要只记单词。在学英语句子的时分,要把语句的语法、语和谐发音腔调无缺学起来。

2. 学习英语不可以以以知道单词为主,要记住单词就要会用这个单词。遇到一个新的英语单词,必定要掌控该单词一种正确的办法。跟着今后单词用法的添加,天然简略记住。

3. 不可以以强逼自个去死记英语单词。要晓得单词在语句顶用法,只需这样做才简略记住单词。

4. 学习英语有必要做到耳目口手并用。耳闻、目见、口读、手抄,缺一不可以。

5. 要注重口读,英语是一门言语,不开口,如何学会讲英语。

6. 口语有必要重复操练,看到一个单词,一个语句,必定要读到会背诵中止,到自个的口音很纯熟中止。学习英语就跟学习古文是相同的道理,要以背诵为入门的捷径。

7. 口语操练最避忌的有两点:(一)害臊。假定害臊,就会让自个失掉许多学习英语的机缘。(二)想得高分。学习英语不该急于求成,要踏结壮实。

8. 英语学习,必定要做到“精”,读音和拼写都大约留心,紧记马粗心虎,不可以迷糊完事。




The Peach Colony(translated by Lin Yutang 林语堂)

During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman of Wuling. One day he was walking along a bank. After having gone a certain distance,

he suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank for about a hundred yards. He noticed with surprise that the grove had a magic effect, so singularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood, while the beautifully grassy ground was covered with its rose petals. He went further to explore, and when he came to the end of the grove, he saw a spring which came from a cave in the hill, Having noticed that there seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided to go in and explore. At first the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough for one person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light. He saw before his eyes a wide, level valley, with houses and fields and farms. There were bamboos and mulberries; farmers were working and dogs and chickens were running about. The

dresses of the men and women were like those of the outside world, and the old men and children appeared very happy and contented. They were greatly astonished to see the fisherman and asked him where he had come from. The fisherman told them and was invited to their homes, where wine was served and chicken was killed for dinner to entertain him. The villagers hearing of his coming all came to see him and to talk. They said that their ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the tyranny of Tsin Shih-huang (builder of Great Wall) some six hundred years ago, and they had never left it. They were thus completely cut off from the world, and asked what was the ruling dynasty now. They had not even heard of the Han Dynasty (two centuries before to two centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei (third century A.D.) and the Chin (third and fourth centuries). The fisherman told them, which they heard with great amazement. Many of the other villagers then began to invite him to their homes by turn and feed him dinner and wine.After a few days, he took leave of them and left. The villagers begged him not to tell the people outside about their colony.

The man found his boat and came back, marking with signs the route he had followed. He went to the magistrate’s office and told the magistrate about it. The latter sent someone to go with him and find the place. They looked for the signs but got lost and could never find it again. Liu Tsechi of Nanyang was a great idealist. He heard of this story, and planned to go and find it, but was taken ill and died before he could fulfill his wish. Since then, no one has gone in search of this place.