《汤姆森英语教师丛书》中的《英语作为第二言语的课堂教育---从幼儿园到高三》:Children who come from homes where there is extensive adult-child verbal interaction are more successful in school. Several researchers have found that when children are reared by adults who engage them in frequent, caring conversation, the children demonstrate
better cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development. A literacy-rich home promotes the child’s development even further. The oral and literate home gives the child the foundation needed for success later on in school.
If parents are advised to communicate mostly in English with their children with the intent of better preparing them for school, this may have a damaging cognitive(and emotional) effect; because the interaction takes place in the weaker language, it is likely to be of lower quality and quantity.ESL teachers need to relay this important information to parents who may feel that they are harming their children by using the native language at home, when, in fact, they are helping them.
can encourage the school to establish ESL classes for parents. Children will probably benefit from seeing their parents learning and studying English,too. It is to the children’s and parents’ advantage if the parents learn English; they are more likely to initiate or respond to interaction with the school than if they continue to rely on interpreters.这段话简略点用中文说,就是主张父母在教师的辅导下学习英文,这关于父母和孩子都是有优点的。