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「新概念英语」The best art critics,最佳艺术谈论家

2023-02-25 06:15:53 | 人围观 | 评论:

lesson 26 the best art critics || 最佳艺术谈论家
一 听音频磨耳朵(美音)
thebestartcritics01:40来自凝集才调二 文章内容与说明
i am an art student and i paint a lot of pictures. many people pretend that they understand modern art. they always tell you what a picture is 'about'.
[我是一论理学艺术的学生,画了许多画。有许多人装成很懂现代艺术的姿势,老是告诉你一幅画的“意思”是啥。 ]
of course, many pictures are not 'about' anything. they are just pretty patterns. we like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.
[当然,有许多画是啥“意思”也没有的。它们就是些美观的图像,咱们喜爱它们就像咱们喜爱秀丽的窗布布相同。 ]
i think that young children

often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. they notice more.
[我觉得成人子们一般比任何人都更能赏识现代绘画,他们调查到的东西更多。 ]
my sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. she came into my room yesterday.
[我的小妹只需7岁,但她总能说出我的画是好仍是坏。昨日她到我房里来了。 ]
'what are you doing?' she asked.
'i'm hanging this picture on the wall,' i answered. 'it's a new one. do you like it?'
["我正在把画挂到墙上" 我答复,"这是幅新画,你喜爱吗?"]
she looked at it critically for a moment. 'it's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside down?'
[她用挑剔的眼光看了一会。"还可以吧"她说,"不过,是不是挂倒了?" ]
i looked at it again. she was right! it was!
[ 我再次看了看,她说得对,是挂倒了。]
三 new word and expressions & 生词和短语
art n. 艺术;critic n. 谈论家;paint v. 画;pretend v. 假装;pattern n. 图像;curtain n. 窗布,幕布;material n. 材料;appreciate v. 鉴赏;notice v. 留心到;whether conj. 是不是;hang

v. 悬挂,吊;critically adv. 批判地;upside down 上下倒置地;
四 notes on the text & 课文注释
[1] art student 学美术的学生
[2] it's a new one. 这是一幅新画。one替代picture避免重复。
五 word study & 词汇学习
[1]art n. 艺术
[1-1]art student 艺术系的学生
[1-2]english student 学英语的学生
[1-3]student of england : 英国学生
[1-4]artist  艺术家
[1-5]artiste 演员
[1-6]art gallery 艺术画廊 (gallery n.长廊, 游廊; 画廊)
black art 巫术
[2-1]critic n. 谈论家
[2-2]criticise v. 批判, 批判(首要指批判, 但不完尽是责怪的意思)
[2-3]criticism n.批判, 批判
[2-4]critical adj. 挑剔的
[2-5]critically adv. 爱挑剔的

eg: he criticised my painting.
eg: you are critical.
[3]paint v. 画
[3-1]paint a picture 偏重油画
[3-3]oil painting 油画
[3-4]chinese painting 我国国画
[4]pretend v. 假装
[4-1]pretend to do something
eg: when his mother came in,the baby pretended to go to sleep.
[5]pattern n. 图像
[5-1]pattern drills
[5-2]pattern 方法, 榜样
[6]curtain n. 窗布, 幕布
[7]material n. 材料
listening material 听力材料
[8]appreciate v. 鉴赏 = understand and enjoy
[8-1]appreciate doing sth 我很喜爱做某事
eg: i appreciate your help. 我很感谢你的协助
[9]notice v. 留心到
[9-1]pay attention to 思维上的留心
[9-2]notice : 细节上的留心, 一般是别人没留心的东西, 你留心到了, 细节上的东西
eg: i notice the boy.
eg: i notice the beauty spot.(佳人痣)
[10]whether conj. 是不是
[10-1]if 在标明 “是不是” 的时分可以被whether所替代
[10-2]if在标明 “假定” 的时分不可以以用whether替代
[10-3]if it will rain...(不是条件状语从句, 故可以用将来时will)
[10-4]whether it will rain...
[10-5]whether it will rain or not...(可以加 “not” )
[10-6]i wondered if it will rain.(不加 “not” )
[10-7]whether he is mad or not. / whether his mad.
[11]hang v. 悬挂, 吊
[11-1]hang - hanged - hanged 绞死, 吊死
[11-2]hang - hung - hung   悬挂
eg: the thief was hanged.
eg: the coat was hung.
