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2023-03-03 16:17:02 | 人围观 | 评论:

特朗普第一时刻就发推恭喜。不得不说,这俩人还真有点像。这位莫不是特朗普2.0 o(∩_∩)o 从发型上来看,的确有点儿感触,看这一头潇洒的金发!?
原文:and we know the mantra of the campaign that has just gone by, in case you have forgotten it and you probably have, it is deliver brexit, unite the country and defeat jeremy corbyn — and that is what we are going to do.?and i say to all the doubters, dude, we are going to energisze the country.?we are going to get brexit done on october 31.?we are going to take advantage of all the opportunities that it?will bring in a new spirit of can-do.?and we are once again going to believe in ourselves and what we can achieve.?and like some slumbering giant, we are going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of self-doubt and negativity, with better education, better infrastructure, more police, fantastic full-fibre broadband sprouting in every household — we are going to unite this amazing country and we are going to take it forward.
第一句:and we know the mantra of the campaign that has just gone by, in case you have forgotten it and you probably have, it is deliver brexit, unite the country and defeat jeremy corbyn — and?that is what we

are going to do.
1. 竞选誓词:the?mantra?of the campaign。mantra读作[?m?ntr?],这个词不太常用,它是可数名词,标明“原则,原则,圭臬”,它也可以标明一种宗教里的咒语。
还可以标明誓词、标语。“竞选誓词”多用的是“manifesto”这个词,或许“election manifesto”。
2. “that has just gone by”作“the campaign”的定语从句,标明“刚刚曩昔的竞选”,可是翻译的时分不能这么说,“the mantra of the campaign”是连在一同的,指“竞选誓词”。
3. in case:in case在这儿并不是“以防”的意思,而是“假定,假使,假定”。比方经济学人上的这句话:
in case of any non-compliance you will be notified.
4. it is:“it”指代“the mantra of the campaign”,即“the mantra of the campaign is”。
5. deliver brexit:完成英国脱欧。“deliver”熟词偏意,标明“实施,完成,完成”之意。
the work permit system must be flexible enough to respond to the changing needs of firms and todays rules should help deliver this.

exit/britain exiting from the european union的意义。实际上在此之前还有一个grexit,标明希腊退出欧元区这一疑问。
6. jeremy corbyn:杰里米·科尔宾,是英国对立党工党领袖。英国两大政党,保存党以及对立党工党。7月23日,英国前交际大臣、伦敦前市长鲍里斯·约翰逊中选执政党保存党领袖,即将接任英国辅弼。
第二句:and i say to all the?doubters, dude, we are going to energize the country.?
1. doubters:也可以说skeptics
2. dude [du?d]:原意指“男人”,或许是口语里的“哥们,兄弟,店员”之意。美剧里常常会呈现这个“dude”,别人提出争辩反驳定见时,就会常常接着一句“dude, …”。
3. energize the country:“energize”标明“使……充溢活力,给……写入活力”。“energize the country”即“让国家充溢活力”。
高斋catti和mti汉译英班讲过“让商场充溢活力”,就是energize the market。
第三句:we are going to get brexit done on october 31.?
1. get brexit done:结束脱欧。“get sth. done”标明“结束”之意,它和前面说到的“deliver brexit”表达同一意义。
2. on october 31:具体到哪一天,用的是介词on。10月31日,让咱们拭目而待吧!
第四句:we are

going to take advantage of all the opportunities that it will?bring in?a new spirit of can-do.?
1. take advantage of all the opportunities:捉住一切的机缘。take advantage of:固定表达,“使用”之意,一般咱们说捉住啥机缘。
market mechanisms would not be enough to take advantage of all the opportunities to mitigate emissions.
2. a new spirit of can-do:一种全新的“前进”精力。can-do是描述词,标明“精干的,活泼前进的,一往无前的”。“can-do spirit”标明“精干的精力,苦干的精力,活泼前进的精力”。
第五句:and we are once again going to believe in ourselves and what we can achieve.?
1.?believe in后有两个并排的宾语成分,“ourselves”以及“what we can achieve”,中心用“and”联接。
2. we are once again going to believe in ourselves:直译就是“咱们将再次信赖自个”,可是这么说太口语化了,它其实就是“重拾决心”的意思。
“重拾决心”必定语境下也可以说bring back that confidence,instill confidence into sb。
3. what we can achieve:what...作主语、宾语或表语的时分一般翻译为名词短语或“……的”,比方“what china wants to import”翻译为“我国想进口的东西”。
同理,“what we can achieve”指的是“咱们可以获得的作用”。今日这句话是在讲演词中,所以咱们仍是翻译为动态的语句,“信赖自个可以获得无量作用”。“无量”是程度词的增译。
第六句:and like some slumbering giant, we are going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of self-doubt and negativity, with better education, better infrastructure, more police, fantastic full-fibre broadband sprouting in every household — we are going to unite this amazing country and we are going to take it forward.
1. some:留心,some在这儿并不是“一些,许多”的意义,假定是这样,后边就大约是“slumbering giants”了,因为“giant”这个词是可数名词。“some”在这儿标明“某,某个”的意思。
the game?is still being played in some form.
这儿的“some slumbering giant”就是特指“英国”是一个“熟睡的巨人”。
2. slumbering [?sl?mb?r??]:它是slumber的如今分词,标明“熟睡的,熟睡的;蛰伏的”。比方金融时报上的这句话:
the property market trend is unusual in germany, a nation of renters with historically slumbering property markets.
讲演中的“slumbering”就是“熟睡的”之意,“slumbering giant”即“熟睡的巨人”。
3. rise:一国的rise即“鼓起”。路透社报导:
the rise of developing asia is going to accompany slower world economic growth.
还比方:我国的鼓起 ?chinas rise/the rise of china。
4. guy ropes:指(支帐子或立杆子的)牵索,支索,拉索。这儿是一种比方的说法,并不是真实的绳子,而是“捆绑,枷锁”的意思。
5. ping off:这其实并不是一个固定表达,ping这个词本身标明“宣告尖利的,乒乒的声响”,讲演顶用到这个词也是为了一种形象化的烘托作用。
“off”则标明“从……中脱离”。因而,根据后边的“guy ropes”,恰当于shackles,这儿“ping off”就了解为“脱节”,恰当于shed。
6. negativity 读作[?neɡ??t?v?ti],名词,标明“否定性,低沉性”。“对……有负面心境/持否定情绪”可以说“have/has sort of a negativity toward”。
7. with better education, better infrastructure, more police, fantastic full-fibre broadband sprouting in every household:with规划表伴随,因为不一样的名词有不一样的动词分配,所以直接翻译为“将会有”,因为这是方针,还未完成。
即“咱们将会有非常好的教育、非常好的基础设备、更多的差人”,最终一个“fantastic full-fibre broadband sprouting in every household”单独处置。
8. police:留心police 是集结名词,是复数。
9. full-fibre broadband:专有名词,全光纤宽带。英国政府曽提出一项数字战略,到2025年将有1500万户运用全光纤宽带,到2033年,英国一切家庭可以接入全光纤宽带网络。
英国政府本年5月推出的村庄千兆宽带联接方案(the rural gigabit connectivity, 简称rgc)就是政府介入的第一步。
the seeds will sprout in a few days.
它还可以标明“许多呈现,迅猛打开”之意。同义表达是spring up( like mushrooms)比方经济学人上的这句:
new buildings are sprouting up along the banks of the vardar river.
讲演中的“sprouting”是第二个用法,标明“许多呈现,迅猛打开”之意。“with sth sprouting in every household”即“呈如今各家各户”,也就是“家家户户都能用上”的意思。
11. take it forward:推进行进。也可以说“move it forward”。
