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2023-03-04 06:20:46 | 人围观 | 评论:

1.you don't have to look good, you know a lot of things, but it's important that you have your own attitude.一自个,可以不必长得太美观,懂太多事 ,但你得有自个的气场这很重要

2.the way you walk, the books you read and the people you love are hidden in your present temperament.你如今的气质里,藏着你走过的路,读过的书和爱过的人
3.i like the present oneself to fade once childish, i like tomorrow oneself more, will be more beautiful than today.我喜爱如今的自个 褪尽早年的单纯,我更喜爱明日的自个, 会比今日更秀丽
4.read and walk, enrich yourself, be a clean person thori.读书 游走,充分自个 ,做一个洁净人 5.??一向尽力着,习气着这个世界的温度,不管是时节仍是人心i have been trying to adapt to the temperature of the world, whether it is the season or the people's heart. ?6.may you have the courage to move an inch forward and a foot back.愿你有行进一寸的勇气,亦有撤离一尺的沉着.?
?7.today's things, the heart, mind, try to do, no matter how

the results, should be happy to sleep in bed. 今日的作业,尽心、尽意、极力去做了,不管成果如何,都大约高高兴兴地上床恬睡。??

8.there is no need to panic for a long time.余生很长 不必严峻???
