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2023-03-04 11:19:37 | 人围观 | 评论:

--- lesson33 talking about daily activities谈往常活动
--- basic patterns 根柢句型

where are you going?^你要去哪?
what are you doing now?^你如今在干啥?
i don’t have to shave every day.^我不必每天都刮面。
i usually take too long eating breakfast.^我一般早餐吃很长时刻。
if i don’t eat breakfast,then i don’t have enough energy during the day.^假定我不吃早餐的话,我就一天都没有满足的能量。
i’ve got to go brush my teeth.^我得去刷牙了。
i don’t have time to take a shower now.^我如今没有时刻冲凉。
i never have time for lunch at work.^我上班时历来都没有时刻吃午饭。
everyday i have to drive 40 minutes to work.^我每天有必要开车四非常钟去上班。
did the mail come today?^邮件今日到了吗?
have you seen today’s paper?^你看了今日的报纸吗?
i watch the news every night.^我每天晚上都看新闻。
i like to exercise in the morning.^我喜爱早上训练。
most nights i just go out to eat.^大有些的晚上我在外面吃饭。
did you take the dog for a walk?^你遛狗了吗?

【did you have a good day at work?^你今

