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2023-03-04 16:16:33 | 人围观 | 评论:

作业做了吗? did you do your homework?
好好学习。 study hard. 快点睡觉。
hurry up and go to

sleep. 游戏玩够了吧。 enough with your video games.
必定要刷牙噢。make sure you brush your teeth.
明日的东西都预备好了吗? are you ready for tomorrow?
我去洗个澡。 i'm going to take a bath.
该睡觉了。 time to go to sleep.
电视还开着呢。 you left the tv on.
别把你的东西都摊在这儿。 don't leave your stuff here.
把闹钟定在8点了。 i set the alarm clock for 8:00.
明日7点叫醒我。 wake me up at seven tomorrow.
晚安。 good night.
做个好梦。sweet dreams!
●歇息日 我真想睡个午觉。 i want to take a nap.
我去躺一会儿。 i'm going to lie down.
你在?? you're pretending to be asleep.
你睡着了吗? were you sleeping?
没有,还没睡呢。 no, i was awake.
你能给孩子换块尿布吗? will you change the baby's diaper?
想尿尿吗? do you need to pee? 该尿尿了。 it's time to go wee-wee.
胳肢胳肢。 kuchi-kuchi-koo.
咱们来投球吧。 let's play catch.
漏水了。 the water is leaking.
尽是灰啊! it's so dusty.
这间屋子通风真差。 it's stuffy in this room.
这个房间很通风。 it's drafty in this

你能去喂喂狗吗? will you feed the dog?
你去遛遛狗吧? will you take the dog for a walk?
帮我照看一下弟弟和小妹啊。take care of my brother and sister.
请(给植物)浇点水。 please water the plants.
啊!怎么这么乱呀! what a mess!
帮帮我吧。 help me.
把你的屋子拾掇拾掇。 clean up your room.
帮我打扫打扫清洁。 help me clean up the house.
洗刷灵用完了。 we're out of dish detergent.
