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2023-03-04 21:16:35 | 人围观 | 评论:

style="position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;">英语大时态11-20课蘭夕姸雪
<p>第十一课操练(用曩昔将来时翻译以下语句): was/were going to+动词原形 标明曩昔的方案、方案或很可以要发生的事。</p><p>1.她告诉我她将学习另一门外语。(was going to learn) she told me she was

going to learn another foreign language.</p><p> 2.她晓得她即将错失那趟火车了。(was going to; miss)</p><p>she knew that she was going to miss the train. </p><p>3.我抵达机场时,飞机正要起飞。(when; was going to; take off)</p><p>when i arrived at the airport, the plane was going to take off. </p><p>4.他阐下一年他要在北京作业。(was going to)</p><p>he said he was going to work in beijing next year. </p><p>

5.他说他们就要启航去上海。(were going to leave for) </p><p>he said they were going to leave for shanghai. </p><p>6.我不晓得他们方案在国外日子。(were going to live abroad)</p><p></p><p>i didn
