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2023-04-08 11:18:22 | 人围观 | 评论:

Constellation has become a very popular topic in our daily life. Numerous (a lot of)people not only believe it, but also judge others around them on the basis of (根据) constellation. Then, the question is, what is constellation essentially (本质上)?


Wikipedia:Constellation A constellation is a group of stars that forms an imaginary (虚拟的,愿望的,假象的) outline (归纳) or meaningful pattern (方法,图像) on the celestial sphere (天体). 一个星座本质上就是一组群星,它们在天空上构成了一个又一个愿望中虚拟的归纳或有特别意义的图像。It typically represents an animal, mythological (神话的,虚拟的) person or creature, a god, or an inanimate (

无生命的,无生气的) object. 它一般代表一只动物、一个神话人物或其他生物、一个神或一个无生命的物体。

童贞座 (Virgo ['vgo])Its name is Latin for virgin, and its symbol is . Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, Virgo is the largest constellation in the zodiac (['zdk]黄道十二宫).



天秤座(Libra [libr])Libra is a constellation of the zodiac. Its name is Latin for weighing scales. It is fairly faint (虚弱的,微小的), and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east.



天蝎座(Scorpius ['sk:pis]) Scorpius is one of the constellations of the zodiac, lying between Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east. Its name is Latin for scorpion (蝎子). And it is a large constellation located in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way (银河系).


【前期回想 Review】


白羊座 (Aries ['eri:z])金牛座(Taurus [t:rs])双子座(Gemini ['deminai])巨蟹座(Cancer ['kns])

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