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2023-05-14 16:22:01 | 人围观 | 评论:

  1. We sat down face to face。我们面对面坐下来。

2.You can go to the station by bus .你可以乘公共汽车去车站。

3.Winter in Beijing can be very cold. 北京的冬天可能很冷。

4.I nearly made a mistake. 我差点犯错误。

5.We live near a big library. 我们住在一个大图书馆附近。

6.She hung the

calendar on the wall. 她把日历挂在墙上了。

7.It took five minutes to get

to the station. 到车站花了五分钟。

8.Come again tomorrow. 明天再来。

9.She plays the guitar. 她弹吉他。

10.He does not smoke. 他不抽烟。

11.The weather is usually hot in july. 七月的天气通常很热。

12.I don't like this jacket .我不喜欢这件夹克。

13.You look sick. 他看起来病了。

14.Shut your mouth. 闭上你的嘴。

15.These aren't my books. 这些不是我的书。

16.Have you finished reading the novel? 你读完小说了吗?

17.Who will look after your dog? 谁来照顾你的狗?

18.He broke the world record. 他打破了世界记录。
