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beijing culture文明

beijing enjoys the reputation of time-honored historical and cultural city in china. as the capital of five dynasties, beijing preserves a large number of imperial palace, imperial gardens, temples and ancient tombs which are symbols of a cultural city. undoubtedly, beijing is the culture hub of china. forbidden city, the imperial palace of ming and qing dynasties, well displays the traditional chinese styles in architecture. temple of

heaven is world-famous for its logical layout and delicate structure. ming tombs including 13 tombs is the biggest imperial mausoleum in beijing. beijing culture can also be represented by other elements such as its dialects, opera and cuisine besides the ancient buildings.

beijing temples and churches


china is a country with the religious freedom and respect. as the capital of china, beijing has many temples including taoism, buddhism, tibetan buddhism and islam temples, and christian and catholic churches. the famous buddhist temples like tanzhe temple have become the hot tourist destinations. as for taoist temples, baiyun temple is the best representative which is the popular destination for pilgrim not very touristy. yonghe lama temple is one of the largest and most important tibetan buddhist temples in the

world. one of catholic churches is located in the area of wangfujing. some christian churches can also be found in beijing.

beijing dialect


beijing dialect, is a dialect of mandarin spoken in the area of beijing and then became the basis of standard chinese, the official language of china. beijing dialect is very similar with standard chinese, but it is very easy to distinguish whether an individual is a native of beijing speaking or an individual of standard chinese.

beijing opera


beijing opera or peking opera is very favored by beijing locals. it is a form of traditional chinese theatre. beijing opera can originate from the several ancient operas in china. in 1790, 'four great anhui troupes' brought anhui opera to beijing. the performance of anhui opera make a hit and 'four great anhui troupes' performed with hubei troupes in 1826. the combination gradually formed into beijing opera. now beijing opera is the national theatre style.

beijing cuisine


beijing cuisine is characterized by cooking different muttony and porky dishes. in ming and qing dynasties, the most imperial cooks were from shangdong province so that some elements of shandong cuisine integrated into beijing cuisine. it was also combined with flavors of other cuisines like tanjia cuisine, islamic food and manchu style. beijing duck is an iconic beijing dish which is tasted by almost every tourist when they visit beijing.

beijing hutong


hutongs are a kind of narrow alleys formed by lines of siheyuan, traditional courtyard dwellings. hutongs originated from yuan dynasty. according to investigation, the oldest hutong is sanmiaojie hutong with history of 900 years. dongxi jiaomin hutong is the longest with length of 3,250 meters. the shortest one is qianshi hutong only with length of 0.7 meter.


best time to visit beijing


the best months to visit beijing are may, june, september and october. but in may and october, you should remember to avoid the national festivals like may day and national day when there are 3 or 7 days holidays. beijing will be very crowded with domestic tourists during these two holidays.

spring in beijing falls in april and may. in april, the weather is changeable and sometimes sand storms may happen. in may, it is warm and comfortable for traveling. summer is not very long but hot. autumn is a comfortable season when the leaves begin to turn yellow. without the disturbance of summer heat and winter coldness, you can climb the fragrant hill and enjoy the beauty of red maple leaves.


things to do in beijing


stroll along nanluogu lane


nanluogu lane is the funkiest hutong in beijing. with the length of 800 meters, nanluogu lane is the best-preserved hutong of yuan dynasty (1206ad-1368ad). at night, people hustle and bustle around this hutong area. on the both side of lane stand various kinds of shops and snack booths. it is also a third famous bar street after sanlitun and shichahai bar streets in beijing. it is very enjoyable to roam in the boutiques and souvenir shops and have a taste of beijing snacks.

buy handicrafts in panjiayuan flea market逛逛潘家乡

panjiayuan flea market is the most famous flea market which sells antique stuffs and other handicraft. about 60,000 to 70,000 people visit the market at weekend and it once received thousands of foreign visitors. even the leaders of other countries like hillary clinton had purchased here. in the past, real curios could be picked up here but now it is hard to find a real antique. it still attracts many antique lovers to show their "treasures". you can not only purchase various types of beautiful handicrafts but also explore the real old beijing trough the old stuff and stories.

eat beijing duck in pianyifang or quanjude当然是吃烤鸭

eat beijing duc beijing duck is divided into two types according to cooking methods. after being slaughtered, eviscerated and rinsed in the water, the fat ducks are then soaked in the boiling water for a short time before they are hung up to dry. during hanging, the maltose syrup is smeared on the surface of the ducks. after hanging for 24 hours, the ducks are roasted in an oven.the famous restaurant to enjoy this kind of duck is quanjude restaurant. the traditional way is to roast ducks in either closed oven or hung oven till the meat is slowly cooked. pianyifang restaurant is very skillful to cook this kind of ducks. it isrestaurant is very skillful to cook thisvery indispensable to taste beijing duck for tourists to beijing y cooked. pianyifang restaurant is very skillful to cook this kind is slowly cooked. pianyifang restaurant is very skillful to cook this kind of ducks. it isrestaurant is very skillful to cook this veryindispensable to taste beijing duck for tourists to beijing y cooked. pianyifang restaurant is very skillful to cook this kind food.

wandering in hutong areas逛胡同

if you want to experience the old beijing and beijingers' lifestyle, you should visit hutong areas. hutongs once predominated the city. rickshaw drivers provide the tours in hutongsbut better and inexpensive way is to rent a bike. riding and lost in the view of hungtong will be very enjoyable. it is easy to find stops to rent bikes near hutong areas.

visit must-see attractions别人都去我也去

beijing is one of most-visited destinations in china. it also houses numerous attractions. but it is unnecessary to visit every attraction in beijing for tourists. which attractions are must-see and can represent beijing. great wall and forbidden city, of course, is on the list. chairman mao zedong once said that he who doesn't reach the great wall is not a true man. this famous motto and its magnificence encourage more tourists to climb great wall.forbidden city, the chinese imperial palace from ming dynasty, houses extensive collections of artworks and artifacts and other treasures. besides these two sights, some other spots like ming tombs, tiananmen square, summer palace and temple of heaven also highlight your trip.


beijing food

beside numerous attractions, beijing is also a culinary capital, where authentic beijing specialties like roasted duck, imperial court food and local snacks are easily available. walk on the wangfujing snack street and tasted the mouth-watering shredded potato, rolling d, tuckahoe pie, noodles with soybean paste and palace chicken cubes, refreshments and the likes, each of which would tease your taste bud greatly. dine in the local-famous qianmen quanjude roast duck restaurant, fangshan restaurant, shanshuijian restaurant, ritan restaurant and hancang restaurant, where these featured specialties would be served.

beijing duck / peking duck


peking duck or beijing duck is best-known for the thin and crispy skin, rich taste and long history. the culinary of pecking duck can be dated back to yuan dynasty when it was a dish of imperial food. the foodies conclude some ways and timing to eat beijing duck. the duck is tasted palatable in spring, winter and autumn. the authentic versions of dish should be served with most skin and little meat. generally it is eaten with pancakes, sweet bean sauce and scallion. the sweet bean sauce is smeared on the pancakes, then slices of meat is put between the pancakes.

imperial court food (fangshan) 仿膳

imperial court food (fangshan) imperial court food or fangshan is the food for emperors. after downfall of qing dynasty, the imperial cooks began to run the restaurants and the dishes they cooked were very familiar with imperial court food. fangshan features ingredients and special presentation including beautiful vegetable carvings.

zhajiangmian (noodles with soybean paste)炸酱面

zhajiangmian is a very popular dish in the north china. beijing zhanjiangmian stands out compared with it in other places. it is composed of such main materials as pork, handmade noodles, vegetable pieces and soy sauce. the delicious zhajiangmian lies in the zhajiang which is salty fermented soybean paste stir-fried with ground pork. accroding to season, the various vegetable pieces are also served in the noodles. for beijingers especially the old, they are fond of hot noodles in winter or cold noodles in summer. having taste of authentic zhangjiangmian is indispensable for tourists in beijing.

fried dough drops (pinyin: chao ge da)炒疙瘩

fried dough drops is a special local snack in beijing. the fried dough drops is characterized by unique flavor and fragrance. it was created by a mother and her daughter who run a restaurant named fuangfu near peach arch. during the process of cooking, wheat flour, beef, fresh vegetable and other ingredients are used. the dish is nutritious and digestible.

fried liver (pinyin: chao gan)炒肝

as one of beijing local snacks, fried liver is cooked with such raw material as pork's livers and intestines with garlic, starch,soy, garlic, bone soup and other ingredients. so fried liver is not greasy but light. it is evoluted from "fried lung" in song dynasty (960ad-1279ad). in the early time, it was eaten with baozi (steamed stuffed bun) as a breakfast. but now, fried liver is eaten at any time and with any other food.

quick-fried tripe (pinyin: bao du)爆肚

quick-fried tripe is a famous beijing local snack, which is an islamic snack. the tripes of cattle or sheep are cut into slices or stripes and put into boiling water. after it is cooked, the tripes are stirred with sesame sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper oil, and scallion. then, quick-fried tripe is ready for you.

lvdagun(glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour)驴打滚

lvdagun is a very traditional snack in beijing. it is made from millet flour or sticky rice stuffed with red bean paste. and then the formed lvdagun is trundled in sesames. it originated in chengde and became popular after introducing into beijing because manchu were fond of sticky food. lvdagun is characterized by fragrant, glutinious and sweet.

aiwowo(glutinous rice ball)艾窝窝

aiwowo is a traditional islamic snack made from sticky rice, saugar, sesame seeds, peach kernels. the history of aiwowo can be dated back to early ming dynasty. in the ancient times, the snack shops provided aiwowo from spring festival until the early autumn. now, it can be eaten at any time in a year. with rich nutrition, aiwowo are good for those who have a poor appetite and weak body.


beijing shopping

besides attractions and food, beijing is also home to different branded goods and various delicately-designed souvenirs, which makes it a great getaway for kaleidoscopical shopping. in xiushui street, wangfujing commercial street, liulichang street, panjiayuan antique market, xidan commercial district, such must-haves like palace lantern, cloisonné, fresh water pearls, dough shaping, jade ware, carved lacquerware, snuff bottles, antique furniture, well-preserved fruit are all available.


cloisonné is also called enamel. the oldest cloisonné originated in yuan dynasty(1206ad-1370ad) and prevailed during the reign of emperor jingtai of ming dynasty(1368-1644). with the history of about 1,000 years, cloisonné is made from red copper as body, and then thin copper wire is decorated on the body. after that, beautiful enamel materials are filled. in the ancient time, cloisonné was just used by royal and aristocrats so that it was the symbol of power and social position.


there are two types of lacquer ware. one is carved lacquerware and the other is gold filigree lacquer ware. the art of carved lacquer ware was formed in the 14th century. with beautiful carvings and exquisite shapes, the carved lacquer ware such as chairs, screens and vases is important category of handicraft. gold filigree lacquer ware is made of gold and silver inlaid with jewelry.

beijing dough toys面人

beijing dough toys originated in the folk society. it is made of flour and stick rice flour. artists pinch the basic shapes of people or animals and then carve on the shapes with bamboo knife. the dough toys are small in shape and convenient to carry. beijing dough toys are one of best souvenirs to family members and friends.

jade carvings玉雕

jade ware is always regarded as ornaments and sacrificial vessels and beijing is the center of jade ware in china. jade wares in beijing can be separated into two kinds by size. jade can be carved into human figures, containers and tea set, which are large jade wares. the jade rings and seals, small in shape, are small jade wares. jade carvings enjoy the high reputation in the world.

inner-painted snuff bottles鼻烟壶

the art form of inner-painted snuff bottles developed in the late qing dynasty. the pictures and calligraphies are painted on the inside surface of the bottles. when producing inner-painted snuff bottles, a tiny paint brush through the neck of the bottle is used to paint the elegant picture and make precise strokes backwards by artists.

beijing crunchy candy酥糖

if you are a candy-lover, you should have a taste of beijing candy. beijing crunchy candy is one of top three kinds of candies in china. with a long history, beijing crunchy candy is very famous in china with its high quality.

beijing preserved fruit蜜饯

beijing preserved fruits are a typical local product. in ancient time, the imperial cook preserved the fresh fruits into honey or sugar for emperor and then the method of making preserved fruits spread to the folk society. the preserved fruit maintained in honey is called honey glazed fruit and in sugar is preserved fruit.


