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出国旅行常用英语口语900句大全 搭火车往常英语口语-闽南网(出国旅行用英语怎么说)

2023-09-16 11:27:37 | 人围观 | 评论:

­  你喜爱出国旅行吗?想必大有些人大约都喜爱。所以出国旅行常用英语你会多少?本站更新的旅行常用英语口语大全触及到出国旅行各种有关活动的英语,会说一点旅行英语口语,可以减免旅行中许多费事。今日要讲的是在国外坐火车的旅行常用英语口语,更新这一期的启示是有兄弟在国外初度坐火车因为英语不通,致使了许多费事。不多说,我们赶忙学一学搭火车的旅行常用英语口语吧:

­  单程票:single ticket

­  往复票:return ticket

­  卧铺:berth

­  软卧:soft berth

­  一般卧铺:ordinary berth

­  头号车厢:first class

­  二等车厢:second class

­  三等车厢:third class

­  281.is there a dining car?有餐车吗?

­  282.where is the dining car?餐车在哪里呢?

­  283.how about we share a ride?要不咱们拼车?

­  284.can i buy a ticket here?我可以在这儿买票吗?

­  285.does this train go to chicago?这辆火车到芝加哥吗?

­  286.where do i board the train?我大约从啥当地上车呢?

­  287.we"ll be at the station in a minute.咱们马上就要到站了。

­  288.the train to london was cancelled.去伦敦的火车被撤消了。

­  289.how long is it till we get to mexico?到墨西哥还有多久?

­  290.where is the ticket office/window?请问售票处/窗口在哪里?

­  291.can i check my luggage through?我可以把行李邮递到意图地吗?

­  292.does the train stop at all stations?火车在一切的车站都停吗?

­  293.what is delaying the train so long?列车为啥晚点了那么久?

­  294.when will the train draw into the station? 火车几点钟进站呢?

­  295.how much longer will it take to get there?抵达哪里还需要多久?

­  296.three berths in the cushioned sleeper, please.我要3张软卧床铺。

­  297.which end of the carriage do i get off? 大约从车厢的哪一头下车呢?

­  298.what time does the no.8 train leave every day?8次列车每天几点发车?

­  299.which platform is for the no.5 train?请问乘坐5次列车大约去哪个站台?

­  300.do you sell any souvenirs on the train?你们在火车上有啥留念品卖吗?

­  301.please help me put my luggage on the rack.请帮我把行李放在上面的行李架上。

­  302.can i have a one-way ticket to new york,please?我能买张去纽约的单程票吗?

­  303.could i get a round-trip ticket to new zealand?我想买到新西兰的往复机票?

­  304.where is the platform for the train to boston?去波士顿的火车站台在哪里?

­  305.how long does this train stay at this station?这列火车在咱们这站停留多久?

­  306.is there a non-stop train from paris to lyon?有没有从巴黎到里昂的直达车

­  307.can i have a one-way ticket to new york,please?可以给我一张去纽约的单程票吗?

­  308.time is up! you will have our tickets punched next.时刻到了,你要检票进站了。

­  309.can you tell me where can i buy a ticket, please? 请你告诉,在啥当地可以买到火车票呢?

­  310.what do you prefer, cushioned seats, ordinary seats,cushioned berth or ordinary berth?您要软座硬座,仍是软卧硬卧?

­  想要学好旅行常用英语口语,不只是停留在背上,还要多开口,多操练,可以让自个在英语对话中,条件反射将英语说出来。这样才是学好旅行英语口语。

