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2023-09-16 11:27:58 | 人围观 | 评论:


首要猜一下,上两节课咱们听到的面试提名人有没有进入short-listing 呢?说真话,我也不晓得。但以我自个的观点,他很有可以没有进入第二轮面试环节。我的理由是,他毛遂自荐尽管很不错(英语不错),可是,作为account manager 这个职位的提名人,他的介绍真的没有留给面试官与他交流的机缘,或许说他的介绍不具有互动性。此外,当提名人在介绍自个缺陷的时分,提名人或许选择了一个丧命的缺陷。
总之,提名人或许在技能上有必定的实力/经历,但他或许更合适于做公司后台的技能撑持作业,作为与客户触摸的account manager 的提名人,他不是最佳的选择。

在本课的面试环节,咱们将听到第二轮面试内容。只不过这一次招聘的公司是一家世界媒体机构,招聘的职位更可所以记者类/修改类。咱们首要可以听出来,此轮的面试官大约是这个职位的直接陈述司理(line manager)了。直接上级会期望更详尽晓得将来部下的自个阅历,性格以及交流才能。因而更有用而互动地交流是这轮面试的要害。一起,直接上级更关怀的一个疑问是:你为啥要脱离上一家公司?你的答复对面试官是不是抉择选择你起到要害作用。
本课的面试内容是更有学习意义的有些,因而,本课的5分钟音频包括了提名人rebecca 与面试官mr. parsons 的面试的上半有些面试内容,内容较长。可是将来有机缘去外企面试的兄弟的可以研讨并将本面试作为一个样板。主张将其听熟,并可以以此为模板,给自个编一个面试对话的故事。咱们将鄙人一课平分析这局势试的亮点和成功之处。

【外企面试小诀窍】如何答复:what is your biggest weakness (or strength)?



1) 首要阅览文字材料,完全了解对话的书面内容,包括打扫单词妨碍和语法妨碍,领会对话的意义。
2) 然后初步听音频材料,将书面文字和声响表达进行匹配:即可以看着阅览材料清楚地听出音频内容 (这一步是听理解的操练。假定可以,可以在有空时试着做听写操练)。
3) 将听力内容从别人的声消息息转化成你的口语声消息息:请一边阅览,一边跟着音频复述,究竟,学习者可以流利地将音频内容跟读下来,并同步了解(这一步是操练你的口语表达,也是为了让你构成自个的英语声响内存)。

job interview: the second round.
【audio transcript】
mr. parsons: come in.
rebecca carlyle: mr. parsons?
mr. parsons: ah, you must be rebecca. please do come in.
rebecca carlyle: thank you for making some time to see me, mr. parsons. it’s a pleasure to meet you finally.
mr. parsons: the pleasure’s all mine, rebecca. have a seat please. now would you like any refreshments? tea or coffee?
rebecca carlyle: a coffee would be lovely. thank you. black, no sugar.
mr. parsons: no problem. sally, can we

have two coffees please? one, no milk or sugar.
sally: certainly mr. parsons.
mr. parsons: so rebecca, i understand you had a first interview with miss childs last week.
rebecca carlyle: yes that’s correct. she filled me in on the details of the job on the telephone.
mr. parsons: great. well, i’m glad to say she recommended you for a 2nd interview, and here we are. perhaps we can start by discussing your background and resume details a little?
rebecca carlyle: yes, of course.
interview part 2 - discussing your background
mr. parsons: now, miss childs passed on your resume to me and i’ve had the chance to look it over and i must say i’m quite impressed.
rebecca: thank you very much. i’ve tried to keep it short and clear. if there’s any questions please feel free to ask me.
mr. parsons: well yes, i do have a number of questions, but perhaps first you could give me a brief overview. i’d like to get a little bit of an idea of your background.
rebecca: yes of course. well as you can see from the resume i’m 27 and grew up in brooklyn, new york, although our family moved to london when i was quite young, at around 16.
mr. parsons: ah i see, so you were actually educated in europe?
rebecca: yes precisely. although i was born in the us, i would definitely call london home. but as you see i’ve actually spent a lot of my life moving from country to country.
my father was in the oil business before he retired so we also spent a number of years in saudi arabia, too.
mr. parsons: very interesting. so it seems you had quite an adventurous childhood.
rebecca: absolutely! we were never still for too long. but now i’m really looking to settle down.
mr. parsons: i see. okay, well let’s move on to discuss your education shall we?
rebecca: sure.
【interview part 3 - education background】
mr. parsons: now, if i look here i see that you completed a ba in english?
rebecca: yes, that’s right. after graduating from high school in new york i attended york university in the uk. my major was english, and my minor was business. i completed my ba in 2004.
mr. parsons: yes, i’m pleased to see that you also got a distinction.
rebecca: yes that’s right. i’ve always enjoyed studying. my friends say i’m a bit of a bookworm, but my father always pushed us to succeed at school.
mr. parsons: well, it looks like his encouragement paid off rebecca. so how about extracurricular activities at university?
rebecca: well i’ve always been keen on writing, so i became the editor for the university student newspaper, which i really loved. also i volunteered for a group called shelter, to help the homeless in york.
mr. parsons: what did that involve?
rebecca: providing warm meals and shelter, especially in the winter months. i found it really fulfilling to be part of that group.
mr. parsons: i’m sure. okay, now let’s move on to your work experience, shall we?
rebecca: yes, okay.
【interview part 4 - talking about work experience】
mr. parsons: right rebecca. now i see that after graduating from university your first job was.......
rebecca: for a local paper in york called the york herald. actually, i started with them as an intern. i was really keen on getting some experience in journalism, and this seemed like a good first step.
mr. parsons: certainly. and after your internship…
rebecca: they seemed impressed, and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter. i ended up staying two years there actually. i was in charge of the sports news section of the newspaper. i really enjoyed it there, and it really helped me build my skills.
mr. parsons: yes i see. but you decided to leave them in 2006 right?
rebecca: yes, that’s right. my husband and i moved to london, and so i managed to find a position with a national newspaper based in london.
mr. parsons: the london weekly, right?
rebecca: yes, in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future.
【interview 5 - discussing reasons for leaving previous position】
mr. parsons: okay, now i’d like to find out more about your last job. i see you spent almost four years at the london weekly, is that right?
rebecca: yes, that’s right. to be honest, the first year was quite tough for me. i was really just treated more like an intern. i didn’t have many responsibilities and i found it quite frustrating.
mr. parsons: so, what changed?
rebecca: well slowly but surely i proved myself, and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer.
mr. parsons: wow, a real step up!
rebecca: yes i was responsible for restaurant and food reviews mostly. i spent three years in that position, but to be honest it wasn’t an area of journalism i wanted to stay in long-term.
mr. parsons: i see, so why did you decide to leave finally?
rebecca: i just felt that the paper couldn’t offer me any new opportunities. i really needed a more challenging role to be honest.