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大学三大学经典英语对话三大学英语口语对话3篇 三大学英语口语...

2023-09-27 11:20:21 | 人围观 | 评论:

  下面是范文网修改共享的大学三大学经典英语对话|三大学英语口语对话3篇 三大学英语口语对话常用语句,以供学习。

大学三大学经典英语对话|三大学英语口语对话1  a:do you buy that newspaper every day?
  b:yes, i do. i find it very informative.it always has plenty of articles from correspondents all over the world and the business section is very useful too.
  a:is there a sunday edition of that newspaper?
  b:yes. there is. it has several sections, so it’s quite a read! it usually takes me a few hours to read it on sunday morning.
  a:what section does it have?
  b:let me s

ee. there’s the news section, the entertainment section, sports, business, and world affairs.
  a:what’s in that section?
  b:world affairs? they look at the most important stories in more detail. i find it fascinating. do you buy a daily paper?
  a:i buy a national newspaper sometimes, buy i nearly always buy a local evening newspaper. i find the local news more interesting than national or international news.
大学三大学经典英语对话|三大学英语口语对话2  a:i see you have bought the latest copy of beauty and fashion. are there any interesting articles in it?
  b:there’s an interesting interview with a top fashion designer about the latest fashions. i enjoyed reading her thought. the which? section is very interesting this month. they tested facial cleaners. t
  a:i like to take the tests that they print in this magazine.
  b:which tests do you mean?
  a:you know. tests like how jealous are you? and are you a fashion victim?
  b:oh, i see. i like to do those tests, too, but i don’t take them serciously.
  a:of course not, but sometimes the results make you think about yourself and what you do. according to the jealousy test, i’m quite a jealous type of person. perhaps i need to control my jealousy.
  b:you’re right. it’s sometimes hard to tell which pages are advertisement and which ones are articles.
大学三大学经典英语对话|三大学英语口语对话3  a:are there any interesting articles in today’s newspapers?
  b:the headlines are all about the presidential election in the united states. few other stories made the front pages.
  a:is there anything of interest to us in the business sections?
  b:there’s an interesting feature article in the chronicle about doing business in china and the daily news has printed a report about the special economic zone near pairs. we have a subsidiary company l
  a:are the reports favorable?
  b:generally, the reporters take positive lines. they do point out a few problems that we need to be aware of, but there’s nothing worrying in the reports. in the classifieds, one of our competitors is a
  a:that’s interesting. they must be thinking of moving into that market. are there any interesting editorials?
  b:not really. they all seem to focus on the election. there have been several letters printed in the chronicle regarding that controversial article on drugs that they printed last week.
  a:i’m not surprised. that article certainly added fuel to the debate. ok. thanks. can you leave two articles and the advertisements with me? i’d like to read them.
  b:sure. there you are.
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