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2022-05-01 13:18:25 | 人围观 | 评论:

To greet the Chinese Year of the Tiger, which falls on Feb 1, the first installment of an online exhibition of painted sculptures featuring images of tiger, one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs, was launched on social media platform WeChat on Jan 26.

为迎接2月1日的中国虎年,1月26日,中国12个生肖之一的老虎形象彩塑在线展览的第一期在社交媒体平台微信上启动。这句话中the Chinese Year of the Tiger的意思是中国虎年。


Running through the Lunar New Year holiday, the 12-installment exhibition displays more than 400 painted sculptures singled out from about 1,300 entries, created by both veteran and emerging Chinese artists from across the country.

在农历新年假期期间老虎英语怎么写:您知道虎年用英语怎么表达吗?,12期展览展示了从约1300件作品中挑选出来的400多件彩塑老虎英语怎么写,这些作品由来自全国各地的资深和新兴中国艺术家创作。这句话中painted sculptures的意思是彩塑。


The Chinese zodiac animal signs (shengxiao in Chinese Pinyin) are a revolving cycle spanning 12 years, with each year represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. 中国的生肖是一个12年的循环周期老虎英语怎么写,每年由一种动物及其著名属性来代表。这句话中represented的意思是代表;reputed attributes的意思是著名的属性、普遍认为的属性。


Among these animals are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig, in that order.这些动物依次是老鼠、牛、老虎、兔子、龙、蛇、马、绵羊、猴子、公鸡、狗和猪。

Tiger has long been a favorite subject for artistic creation as the Chinese zodiac animal sign is believed to represent such attributes as bravery, dignity, justice and loyalty.长期以来,老虎一直是艺术创作的热门主题,因为中国的生肖被认为代表勇敢、尊严、正义和忠诚等属性。
