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2022-07-17 17:15:51 | 人围观 | 评论:



46:A)It shows they have the ability to view complex situations form different angles

47:D)It involves lots of sophisticated mental activity

48.B)When they face too much peer pressure

49: B)When they are under watchful eyes

50: B)They will tell bigger lies


51:C)A massive natural catastrophe

52:A)To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami

53:D)Enormous stress is released

54:A)Coordinating various disaster-relief efforts

55:C)Its occurrence is just a matter of time




Lotus is one of best-known flowers in China which people love deeply. The lakes

many parts of China are suitable for lotus to grow. Lotus, which features bright col

in the morning and closes in the evening with a long flowering period of two to

attracting tourists across the country to appreciate it Lotus is multi-functional as i

green waters and beautify courtyards but also purify water, reduce pollution

environment. Lotus, as it does not fear the strong sunshine and keeps clean in th

symbolizes purity and elegance and represents people's noble morals. Therefore, t

become important themes for poets and painters throughout the Chinese history,

where it blooms turns out to be the resort of many photographers




共11页: 1





26:G)the detrimental effects

27:J)that indulging in

28:E)memory deficits

29:A)as assessed by

30:L)emerge rapidly within

31:B)adults assigned to

32:O)memory similar to

33:C)negative consequences of


34:D)changed conspicuously.

35:N)exercise regularly


信息匹配:Increased Screen Time and Wellbeing D

36:G)首句: So far, so plausible

37:C)首句: To investigate, Twenge and her colleagu dived into the

38:H)首句: A similar but reversed pattern was for the activities ssociated

39:D)首句: Twenge and her colleagues wanted to understand why this change

40:B)首句: Now a new study has provided another contribution to the debate

41:E)首句:Fist, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in

42:J)首句: The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the

43:F)首句:Next, Twenge' team dug a little deeper into data on screen time

44:Ⅰ)首句: There is another explanation that twenge and her colleagues

45:A)首句: Have young people never had it so good?