现在童童在固定的场景下能说不少英语,比如自己上楼梯不要我牵的时候会说Trust yourself you will succeed.洗手的时候会说Submerge your hands in the water .晚上睡觉的时候自己要关灯,会说Turn off the light,darkness is the right atmosphere for bed time.喝水会说Don’t forget to drink water.
为了确保效率,我也会想一些小办法。比如听We're Going on a Bear Hunt音频时,就会跟她说我们来做个小游戏吧,你要听到Bear Hunt这个词鼓掌,这本书里面有好多重复句,所以她为了鼓掌得一直认真听,一开始她瞎鼓掌,不管听到没有都鼓掌,慢慢的真的可以很准确的掌握词汇,还会提醒我鼓掌,要求我一遍又一遍重复播放。
拿到No, David!一般都是先看封面,顺便就输入一下封面front cover,封底back cover,和title标题,还有the author 作者。这本书的作者是world-famous author著名的作家David Shannon. An author is a person whose job is to write books. He is a prolific author .He created a lot of stories. No, David! is a reputable children’s book by David Shannon.This book is interesting and worth reading.
这本书还获得过凯迪克荣誉奖Caldecott honor。
David脚踩在书上够得着鱼缸fish tank,够不到拿书垫着很聪明He’s smart,也很危险,我就会问她,宝宝能不能这么做啊?一般这个时候小宝宝都会摇摇头,我就会说It’s dangerous. No matter where you are, remember that safety should come first. Your safety and health are our priority.再看看浴缸里的鱼看到David的表情,非常害怕They are scared/frightened/terrified/afraid。
Phonics卡片词汇:book fish elbow teeth nose prize orange yellow front back图片上大色块的颜色也可以乘机给宝输入一下,大块的暖色调的运用说明这个故事很温馨。
对于绘本上涉及到的卡片词汇,妈妈们第一次讲的时候可以指读,等宝宝都认识差不多的时候可以妈妈说单词,宝宝来指认;通过宝宝自己找寻,锻炼观察能力。比如Where is the book?What color is it?Point to the car...
这张图画的是谁啊,宝宝马上回答mommy,妈妈为什么叉腰啊,她会说不知道,妈妈一般生气了才叉腰,知道吗?妈妈太生气了,火冒三丈,她就会立刻联想到我给她买的另一本书《妈妈发火了》。这时我会说How does mommy feel? Mommy feels very angry!
原来David在墙上乱涂乱画了,He is so naughty! He is a naughty boy! He was reprimanded by mom, right? Reprimand means scold.刚好David在写这个感叹号,这时候大一点的宝宝可以给她讲一下感叹号和问号的用法。
Phonics卡片词汇:white blue hand star pen head question
这会David又站在椅子边缘,非常危险,猜猜妈妈会说什么?宝这时会说NO!我就说对,不行!Stop being so naughty. Behave yourself. 想要偷吃饼干,馋的直流口水。He seemed so starving.宝宝能不能不经过允许偷拿吃的?不可以的,这是bad behavior!
The best way to get a delicious / scrumptious/tasty/yummy cookie is to say please.
我们也可以看到小哥哥的面部表情很丰富facial expressions,伸舌头的馋样儿.Facial expressions and body language help children understand how a character is feeling.绘本后面David有各种表情,都可以讲这句。
Phonics卡片词汇:green red cat bowl cookie
看到这张图小孩子特别喜欢,我就问宝你看小哥哥身上是什么啊,她马上会说泥巴,我说对,泥巴用英语怎么说啊,她马上会说mud,因为她之前很喜欢看Peppa pig,所以我又问Who likes jumping in muddy puddles?她就会说peppa pig这样有把以前的知识串起来了,加深印象。
我还会接着说小哥哥出去玩泥巴是不是很脏啊,dirty. There are bacteria on his fingers.手上有细菌能不能吃手啊,宝宝一般都说不能,那我们怎么说啊?我们可以跟小哥哥说Keep your fingers out of your mouth!Wash your hands to get rid of bacteria/germs.我还会说小哥哥喜欢玩泥巴,他把玩具dinosaur埋到泥巴里在挖出来。
He is an archaeologist, isn’t he?Do you want to play with mud?天暖和的时候我们也和爸爸去挖泥巴当archaeologist,好吗?宝宝这时候就特别期待去挖泥巴!宝宝你看David是不是把地上弄脏了,有脚印啊?你要跟他说什么呢?
你可以说Help mommy scrub the floor!Keep the house clean and tidy!这时候宝特别愿意帮忙擦地,就会去拽纸擦个不停,我就说宝宝真棒,擦完地叫爸爸拖地,我们家都是爸爸拖地!我就说Daddy can earn one yuan by mopping the floor!
Phonics卡片词汇:orange mud wash plant
宝宝第一次看这页的时候最先看到鸭子duck是我家宝的最爱,我就说You are observant. No wonder they say that babies are observant.再问什么duck啊,她有时候会说yellow duck 有时候会说rubber duck。后来再看的这本书的时候她又发现了下面的玩具章鱼,她就会说octopus.我就会换一句Children are observant by nature.保证每次讲的时候都有写新的句子,这样宝宝也会感兴趣。
洗澡有很多可以讲Submerge his body in the water.还可以讲讲David小哥哥浪费水,不关水龙头Fresh water is rare in China.We cannot sustain ourselves without food and water.South Africa is a water-scarce country.还有很多词汇可以输入如浴帘bath curtain/shower curtain,鲨鱼 shark, 锋利的牙齿sharp teeth,漂浮float,沉sink等等
Phonics卡片词汇:duck dive tub octopus tank wash toy
晚饭后,David要去看动画片,妈妈催他去睡觉Staying up too late is bad for your health!He feels upset,I can tell.When the star begin to appear , it's time for bed.(此处省略若干)
Phonics卡片词汇:blue cape vase star
Apparently/ Obviously, he is reluctant to go to bed.这时候我就打个呵欠说I am so sleepy. I can hardly keep my eyes open. David is an energetic and dynamic boy。宝宝可以跟小哥哥说Your bed is comfortable. Your bear wants to stay with you.也可以问问宝宝小哥哥戴的什么呀,她就会说是眼镜spectacles/glasses.
Phonics卡片词汇:jet cape spectacles sky
这张画的是David 在抠鼻屎,抠鼻屎是bad behavior,可以在跟宝宝讲讲哪些是bad behavior哪些是good behavior。也可以说There are bacteria on his fingers.If your nose itches ,you can rub it gently.Look at David’s bright black eyes and friendly smile. What color are mommy’s eyes?宝会说黑色。
Phonics卡片词汇:nose nail
哇,这张图上面是David在看电视,他把玩具弄得乱七八糟,妈妈叫他收拾屋子。原文是Put your toys away!我在这里把它改写成教案的句子You can develop a habit of putting your toys away.养成好习惯。图片上的各种物品都可以和宝讲一讲,妈妈讲英文,宝宝指认。
Phonics卡片词汇:ball car van hat vase gun robot wig horse book clown horse
David还很喜欢运动,打棒球David has an obsession with base ball.He will make noteworthy contributions in the field of sports.Inactive people are rarely healthy!If you are physically active,you are less likely to be obese.但是要声明的是棒球是户外运动,不能在家打。又关运动的教案句子也非常多,都可以拿来说一说。
Phonics卡片词汇:clock desk
Obviously/Apparently,he made a mistake!The vase is broken. Yes, you made a mistake, but it doesn’t matter because you can rectify it.
他很害怕妈妈生气,被妈妈骂。He is frightened/terrified/scared!他也知道自己犯错误了,很自觉的坐在板凳上面壁思过。Knowing what to do is the best way to extinguish all kinds of fears.
他的妈妈看到这一幕可能会很生气angry,也可能会责怪他Mommy wants to reprimand him .也许妈妈觉得他不是故意的,看他承认错误的样子就原谅他了!He didn’t do it deliberately. He didn’t mean it.
但是无论David做什么妈妈都是非常爱她的,即便他犯了错误。No matter what he does,mommy always loves him.Davids这时候张开胳膊要妈妈抱抱,Hug me!Give me a hug,mommy!
妈妈紧紧抱着David说I Love you,baby。You are indispensable to me .You are the whole world to me!You are my little treasure.这个画面非常温馨。When children feel loved, they do their best.