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2022-05-26 19:14:24 | 人围观 | 评论:






1.Canada is…, second only to Russia.(L1)

(be) second only to 意思为仅次于

(1) (译英)贝蒂在考试中得了一个蛮高的分数,仅次于杰克。

Betty got a pretty high score at the exam___________ Jack.

(be) second to none最棒的

(2) (译英)作为一名足球队员,约翰是最棒的。


2. You will be thrilled by Toronto…(L 16)

be thrilled by/at… 因……而激动兴奋

(译英) 他听到这个好消息很激动。

________________the good news.

3. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short. (L21)




In the dark forests lie many lakes, some large enough to hold several English towns.

4. …… Paris being the largest.(L25) 此处相当于 and Paris is the largest French-speaking city.



The problem having been solved, the quality has been improved.

5. The rest are content to just sit in their armchairs and watch. (P14, L10)

be content to do满足于做…的

The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night.


be content with…对…满意/满足

Are you content with your present salary?


content sb. 使某人满意

content oneself with…对…满意

be contented with…=be content with…对…满意

Nothing contents her, and she is always complaining. 没有什么能使她满意,她总是抱怨。

This is all I have , so you’ll have to content yourself with £5 for the moment.


6. …but all of the athletes were worthy of praise.(P15, L53)所有运动员都值得称赞。

worthy 用法小结:


sth + be worthy of sth.

sth. + be worthy of being done

sth. + be worthy to be done

sb. + be worthy to do 某人配做…

worthy也可作定语用乐于做某事英语:高三英语:一单元复习重点,如:I think he is a worthy teacher.我认为他是一位值得尊敬的老师。

注意与worth及worthwhile 的区别。worth的用法如下:

sth. + be (well ) worth sth./ doing (主动形式表示被动)某事值得做


it + be worthwhile to do sth / doing sth.

It is worthwhile to discuss the problem further.进一步讨论这个问题是值得的。

7. as far as sb./sth + be concerned, (Page 15, L56) 就…而言

As far as Im concerned she can come whenever she likes.就我而言,她喜欢什么时候来都可以。


1. Looking around the city, you’ll find many old churches are __________

A. worth being visited B. worthy of visiting C. worth to be visited D. worth a visit

2. ______ himself with necessary knowledge an skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence.

A. Equipped B. Equipping C. Having equipped D. Being equipped

3. I am ___ painting my new house, so I can’t go to Beijing on business.

A. engaged of B. busy with C. absorbed in D. occupied in

4. The manager offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _____, we didn’t accept the offer.

A. not being finished B. has not been finished C. not having finished D. was not finished

5.——Where is your father working? ——In a hospital ____ in the center of the town.

A. is located B. located C. locates C. locating

6. The language training program ____ teenagers who want to abroad to study.

A. caters for B. makes up for C. cares for D. accounts for

7. Her outstanding performance in the competition prove that she was a ______ winner.

A. worthwhile B. worth C. worthy D. value

8. ——What ___ his happiness all his life? ——_________ what he has got.

A. has led to; Being content with B. has led to; Being contented to

C. led to; Content to D. led him to; To content with

9. __________ herself with routine office tasks, she had no time to attend to her children.

A. Occupying B. Occupied C. Being occupied D. To be occupied

10. Many students who are learning English as a foreign language can’t ______ American English _______ British English.

A. distinguish; with B. distinguish; from C. tell; and D. tell; apart

M9 U1 答案

一 、1. (1) Betty got a pretty high score at the exam second only to Jack.

(2) As a football player, John is second to none.

2. He was thrilled at…

二、1-5 DCDAB 6-10 ACAAB
