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英语,不是用中文学的 International students & host family

2023-01-27 21:15:50 | 人围观 | 评论:

英语,不是用中文学的:International students & host family








We have many international students at my school. Some of the students are from England. They speak English, but they have a different accent from a Canadian accent.

Many students are from Japan, they're learning our language and our customs. We have students from Germany, Italy, China, Korea and Iran. Some of the international students live with host families. The host families have international students living in their home.

你用中文“懂”英语international student和host family了。你也用中文“懂”Some are from England和The host families have international students living in their home等等英语了。可是,你为什么依然停留在用中文“懂

”international student是“留学生”,用中文“懂”英语“有些学生来自英国”,用中文“接待家庭”“懂”英语host family等等呢?


1.我们应该改成如下“用英语懂”international student:

Okay.I got you.An international student means you're from different countries.For example,you're from England,or you're from Germany.So you're an international student if you're from another country,or a different country.

也就是说,我们必须训练出用you're from England,or you're from Germany.So you're an international student if you're from another country之类的英语“懂”英语international student的“本事”,而不是用中文“留学生”“懂”英语international student的“本事”。中文是我们的母语说实话,用中文“懂”英语不算什么“本事”。用英语“懂”才是,因为这样学困难很大。“记住”英语的困难越大,“本事”才越大。

2.我们用英语“懂”英语a host family:

Okay.I got you.I know what a host family is. The host families have international students living in their home,or staying in their home,called homestay.It's different

from living on campus,or staying in hotels.
